Khe Sanh Veterans Association Inc.

Red Clay
Newsletter of the Veterans who served at Khe Sanh Combat Base,
Hill 950, Hill 881, Hill 861, Hill 861-A, Hill 558
Lang-Vei and Surrounding Area

Issue 48     Winter  2001

Notes from the Editor and Board

In This Issue
Incoming   Short Rounds   Memoirs   In Memoriam  
   A Sprinkling of your Poetry   
Reunion 2001 Chicago

BOD Messages

Kudos for Our Staff

I want to take this opportunity to thank all the members of my staff, both the Publishing and Membership groups. You all have done a magnificent job of putting together the newsletters and searching every nook and cranny for new members. Those efforts have led to our organization gaining 127 new members, just since the September reunion. It takes many long hours of their time computing and editing our newsletter, which I truly believe is one of the best Veteran newsletters produced in this day and age.

I have received countless letters praising the efforts of the Khe Sanh Veterans Publishing Committee for the outstanding product they have produced. I also received numerous letters thanking us for the recent Khe Sanh Veterans Directory. These members have not only taken the time to say "Thanks," they have also sent in very generous donations. I will be publishing a list of these members in the upcoming newsletter. So until then, on behalf of my staff, I want to thank each and every one of you, for those kind thoughts; it really means a lot.

Speaking of the Directory, in this issue you will be receiving (4) sheets of labels containing all the corrections to the Directory since September. All you have to do is find the name in the Directory, peel off the corrected information, and place it over the old name. Since not all the information is written the same, some of the labels with the new information require a little cutting with a pair of scissors. It depends on the placement of old information in the book. I did a practice book working only a couple of hours, and was able to re-do all 120 changes. When done correctly it looks very neat and you can hardly tell the difference. You will also be receiving 4 addendum pages containing the names of all the new members and the 11 previous members, residing out of country, which the computer failed to pick up with the last printing. I pre punched the holes so you could place them in the back of the Directory, until we print a new book, hopefully prior to the next Summer issue's in 2002.

If our members have any ideas, regarding the Newsletter or Directory and have a better method of keeping up with the ever changing make-up of our organization, (which grows faster every day) please let me know, I welcome your ideas and criticisms, as well as your letters of thanks.

Tom Eichler
VP & Chairman/Publishing &
Membership Committees

Memo: All Khe Sanh Members

I spoke with our attorney, Mr. Padway, yesterday as he has requested and clarified a few issues pertaining to our By-Laws. He expects to have the recommended By-Laws back to me by the end of December 2000. As soon as they are available I will get them back to the committee for their review. With any luck, we should be able to move forward and get them to the full Board of Directors within a month after they are sent to the By-Laws Committee.

They will then be published in the Newsletter and on our official Web Site by the middle of April. This should give the membership plenty of time before any vote scheduled for July 2001, at the annual reunion.

Additionally, I again extend an invitation to Mr. Padway, who resides in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to attend the reunion and brief the committee on the By-Laws he has accepted. I believe that since we have the funds budgeted we bring Mr. Padway to the regular BOD meeting to answer questions from the membership. I will continue to brief the BOD and the By-Laws Committee if any additional changes are made prior to the annual meeting in Chicago in July 2001.

Lawrence McCartney
Director At Large
Chairman, By-Laws Committee


At the July 2001 Reunion a new slate of officers and Directors will be elected. Anyone interested in running for office please contact one of the following members of the Nominating Committee.

Dave Smith ..... 336-475-3908
Vince Griffith . ..909-296-0180

There is a particular need for someone with an accounting background to fill the office of Treasurer, as our current Treasurer will step down at the end of this term.

In reference to the last issue's cover photo.

ED NOTE: The photo appearing on the cover of Issue #47, Fall, 2000, was taken by Mr. Paul Knight, who retains all rights to its publication, and may not be reproduced in any way.

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