The Steel Family-Lilias Steel Smith

Steel Family Burials, Auchterarder

Steel Burials, Auchterarder

Closeup view of the gravestone of Lilias Steel, Auchterarder.

In the memory of
Lilias Steel
who died 11 February 1857
Aged 63 years
Also her husband
The Rev. Wm. Smith
who died in Glasgow 1824 & was
interred there aged 35 years
Tis not a day we mourn departed worth
Each time we think the heart still bleeds away
And hopes & fears & joys,
long since gone past
Stand imaged fresh as yesterday in view
Also their daughter who died May 23

Graveyard entrance and back view.
A view of the entrance
to the graveyard with
the back of Lillias's stone between
the stone gates.


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