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Learning Circle - Financial Services &
Financial Management - Frequently
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Financial Analysis & Financial Tools
Frequently Asked Questions

  1. The assessment of funds needed by the company should be made in such a way that the amount of funds available should be neither too long nor too less Discuss

  2. The Company should use more and more debt capital in its capital structure so as to increase its E.P.S. - Comment

  3. Both "Under Capitalisation" & "Over Capitalisation" are undesirable and what company should aim at is "Balanced Capitalisation"- comment

  4. State and explain the various methods of raising long term finance.

  5. Working capital must be adequate but at the same time not excessive. - comment

  6. Give clear meaning of following with suitable illustration in respect of each<
    (a)E.P.S ;(b)P/E ratio;(c)E.B.I.T;(d)Debt : Equity;

  7. Explain following terms
    (a)Watered Capital; (b)Float;(c) C.P.;(d)Credit Rating

  8. Explain factoring as an important financial service in the area of "Receivable Management"

  9. Critically examine "RETAINED EARNINGS" as a source of internal finance.

  10. "The 'sickness' or 'Failure' is a gradual process and not a overnight occurrence" - Appraise.

  11. Discuss "Lease-Finance" as one of the most important sources of long term financing for company.

  12. What are the main structural characteristics of secondary market for long term securities issued by the company?

  13. Differentiate clearly between - (i) Mergers; (ii)Acquisitions and (iii)Takeover

- - - : ( EoP ) : - - -

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