Personal Website of R.Kannan
Objectives of My Website - Goal Setting and
Defining Steps for Fulfillment

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Know About My Personal Website & Definition
of its Objectives

Essentials of an Ideal
Web Site

An ideal web site irrespective of its size should convey a unity of thought and action. The subject being dealt with must flow sequentially evidencing a single theme throughout. In other words the entire contents of the web site from the beginning to the end should subscribe without any break towards one specific Goal or Mission. There can be no transgression away from the main purpose resulting in what may be called "subject breaks". But control-breaks (division of the total text into "paragraphs", sub-headings and "chapters") for better and easy readability are permitted and also recommended.

This imperative obligation as the accepted norm and scope of content-management can be better explained by quoting parallel features pertaining to classical Plays and Fiction of English Literature -

An English Play or novel can be rated as a literary piece, if in addition to its style, the elegance of the prose/verse and richness of contents, it has a theme. Here theme conveys three types of content discipline recognised as essential elements of its substance, i.e. three "UNITY"s; viz. the Unity of Time, the Unity of Place and the Unity of Action. The literary piece, in other words must reveal a collective synthesis of the whole of its subject-content as one thought-sequence, that portrays and flows without a break, in a linear approach. A Linear Approach (derived from a simple straight line linking two points in the shortest route) signifies that the theme starts with a distinct beginning and terminates at a definite end with an uninterrupted sequential flow of thought throughout.

Of the three types of Unity, the first and second can be compromised, but not the third. The famous plays of Shakespeare conforms to this theme-discipline.

Thus the Play "Macbeth", recognised as one of the master-pieces among tragedies in English Literature, chooses its theme to portray the progressive decay, suffering and downfall of a great soldier, driven by his own inner-conflicts and struggles. Macbeth is seen throughout the Play wavering between his inherent goodness on the one hand and his infected greed and ambition, on account of lending ears to the prophecy of the witches, that drives him a victim to be surmounted and yielding to his own "Weakness". The "weakness" overtakes the "Strength" and makes him to lose all fame, glory and great qualities that he once inherently possessed. It motivates him to commit a dastardly crime, murdering his own noble patron and king (Duncan) and seizing the Crown. With the booty in hand the soldier is no more happy, but loses for ever his peace of mind. Fear and insecurity lurks his mind. In fact his happy days have ended the minute he had met the "Witches" in the jungle. He suffers from the burden and taunts of his conscience and unable to find solace or happiness. This situation is aptly described by the Poet-cum-playwright elsewhere in a different Play with the words- "Misery lies the Head that Bears the Crown". Finally the play brings the death of Macbeth, perhaps putting an end to his endless suffering and mental torture. The Play do not deal with other details about Life of Macbeth. His childhood, his exploits as a Great Soldier, or how he was married to Lady Macbeth,- are all outside the scope of the theme and hence not relevant for narration or inclusion in the play.

The central theme of this Play is briefly described by G.R.Elliot, a celebrated literary critic of Shakespearean Literature as under:

Theme of Macbeth

The theme of the play, according to G.R. Elliot is that a "wicked intention must in the end produce wicked action unless it is not merely revoked by the protagonist's better feelings, but entirely eradicated by his inmost will, aided by Divine grace." This is seen most clearly in Act V, Scene 1, where the Doctor says, "More needs she the divine than the physician." It also seen throughout the play in Macbeth's murderous plots.

Also rampant through the play is the idea of "Fair is foul, foul is fair." Basically, this means that appearances can be deceiving. What appears to be good can be bad, and this is seen in such things as the deceptive facade of Lady Macbeth and in the predictions of the witches.

If you are driven by an interest to read more about the portrayal of human character as depicted in the Play, Macbeth, there are a number of web-sites on the Internet. In particular I will suggest the web-site dealing with a critical appreciation of the Play titled "A Sample Macbeth Analysis by Kushal Dave-web site ( through this link.

The Theme of this Website

Having defined the parameters clearly, (as seen in the Table above) it is now easier to explain what the web site will cover by way of its contents. I have already given descriptive details of the contents of the web site and the underlying purposes of each web-project in the 'Title Page' setting forth "Content Information - What this Web Site Contains?". The web site has its interest and central theme, "the welfare of the Bank officers" and in particular officers of the State owned Banks in India, which represent about 80% of the banking operations.

But what is the importance and the background for devoting keen interest in the welfare of a section of the society? In fact the welfare of the whole society in the country should be the goal. Yes, but the commercial banks and financial institutions are the nerve centres that provide growth dynamics to the Economy. A village starts progressing fast economically and commercially,

  1. When Roads and other transport links & communication facilities reach the village

  2. When education, health, sanitation and other social infrastructure reach the village

But these two provide only the pre-development infrastructure. For real development and progress to be initiated, there is also the essential need that a branch of a commercial bank to start functioning there and commences providing financial support for untapping the endowed potential of the villagers. This is the final catalyst for development.

The State provides pre-development infrastructure, like development of communication, transport facilities, provision of power, irrigation etc. This is the creation of the "hardware" needed for development. The second need is the "software", i.e. the extension of education, health, sanitation and recreation facilities, and other human resource development projects, which is also the responsibility of the State. With all these development infrastructure well built, still progress will not become visible, unless Banks, acting as the final catalyst agent bring about a synergic effect of all infrastructure and human resources and facilities provided and start mobilising the savings and providing the productive credit flow for different such activities. This in turn depends on the performance efficiency and motivated devotion of Bankmen towards the Mission and Goals of Indian Banking. The final key for progress and development is the quality and commitment of the bank employees to face the challenges of the tasks entrusted to them and deliver the results.

Bank employees accepted the challenges after nationalisation in 1970. Rural branches in large numbers dotted in the banking map of the country. Employees from towns and urban centres migrated and did accept and perform their tasks devotedly, that ushered the "Green" and later the "White" Revolutions in India. Today a major share of agricultural credit is provided not by the cooperatives, not by the RRBs, not by the private or foreign banks, but by the PSBs.

However rampant corruption, and politicalization in the administration and set-up of banks resulted in the employees being gradually sidelined. Volume growth in business and geometric expansion of the internal chorus, and the failure to organize effectively to cope up with volume increase in turn-over rendered employees from being the service-providers to the role of abstract book-keepers. Their numbers multiplied, but the quality of average bank-worker diminished due to neglect and laxity in matters like employee welfare, human resource development and employee motivation. They started dealing with figures and not facts. Many employees spent their career in tallying balances, reconciling inter-branch accounts, preparing M.I.S and establishment returns etc. which render them to a dumb and mechanical role. They are reduced to the status of hired labourers. Their training, development and motivation are ignored.

Power has gone centralised. We all know the Board of Directors of a Bank acts as dummy rubber-stamp. The nominee Directors of the Government do not play an effective role. It is the one-man rule (the CMD). There is no second tier leadership to counter-balance the dominating status of the CMD, who has become autocratic and power-arrogant. The apparant second tier consists of 'yes-men' and psychopants, who specialise in catching the eyes of the CMD to insure their own welfare and well-being. When CMD turns a negative factor, there is no counter-weight in the hierarchical system to correct or redeem the situation, but the system rots and proceeds off-course along with the CMD.

Public institutions do not evade taxes to garner unassessed income or unaccounted wealth. They do not wield such money power to bribe and get their way through, in their business and other activities. They do not involve in unscrupulous acts to pull down rivals. In fact there is very little unprincipled competition amongst the players in the field or unholy efforts for take over thriving business units of rivals, despite the presence of about 27 or 28 public sector banks in the array. We do not lure and "steal" key personnel from the private banks. All these go towards characteristics to make us honest and ideal corporate units engaged in fair play, bringing ethics in our business policy. But alas! we have poor management (some times no management or negative management) and deep corruption rooted at the top segments. We have corporate corruption. We have corruption revealed through polluted audit-systems, system of inspection of branches, corruption in the system of effecting promotion of officers, corruption in conducting departmental inquiries, corruption in processing of credit applications. This has ushered the 'NPA" revolution to undermine State owned banking in India. Yes NPA is there with private banks, and also foreign banks. Corruption may also be found everywhere and at anytime. But we are the "prestigious front-runners" and this brings to us not credit, but discredit.

Today either in MYBANK or any other major Nationalised about 40000 to 50000 employees are serving. But how many may be aware about the mission and organizational goals of the Bank and think about their own individual role as a relevant part thereto. How many employees, if asked can analyse critically and explain the different types of banking products. For example, can any ordinary employees dealing with customers daily, explain why the banks are not selling 'Annuity Deposits'? Why each bank performs better in some areas and lacks performance elsewhere? When fixed deposits are accepted, what is the need to provide the same product with another name "Cash Certificate"? Average employees know all about the procedural aspect of the work, but they do not know the "why" and "what" of basic things.

All these anomalies can be explained to the fact that the human element, its growth and the importance of tapping it to its full potential for the advancement of the goals of the Institution has never been realised by the Banks. The employee is looked as a "cost centre" hired to turn out mechanically specific jobs. The skill and knowledge of the employee is developed only to fulfil the limited purpose. MYBANK is being managed by only about 50 persons at the top, supported by another core 500 to 1000 specialists (single job exprts) at the next line. The entire remaining staff are turned dormant into mechanical workers. To them all bank employment is a job and a bread provider and not a career. Their knowledge, learning and thinking (judgement) capacities are not fully tapped and brought to use. How will MYBANK prosper if all 60000 human resources possessed by it, turn into "knowledge workers" or "human capital" and think and devote for the growth and progress of the Bank? The welfare of Bankmen, which is the aim of this web portal is on account of the realisation of this ground reality. The over zealous, loud and my noisy statements on corporate corruption in banks is only on account of the fact that corruption devours more than 50% of our earnings. In India it is estimated that it costs 4% of our Nation's annual growth.

This web site has identified three specific areas to ensure this perceived welfare of Bank Officers. These are:-

  1. Prevention of threats from internal & external sources. This is described vividly in The 6-Step, 20-Point Service Code & Ethics. To provide for threat elimination a number of specific projects are developed. These are all presented in the web-pages referred in my 20-Point programme of Service code to officers.

  2. Understanding the ground realities and future prospects of Indian Banking and updating yourself to meet the changing scenario from time to time. The relevant projects are Indian Banking Today & Tomorrow, Indian Banking in the New Millenium, My Encounters with Corporate Corruption in my Service etc.

  3. Preparation by employees for harvesting the benefits that future banking prospects in the country is certain to unfold. This is the aim of my pages on "Learning Circle". To be honest, I should confess to this day, that the last mentioned module has not received a fillip and momentum it deserves. But concrete thinking has crystallized and this will be a time-bound programme.

When all this is said, It is necessary for me to introduce myself, to be well known Who I am and what was my past career etc. I need to establish a line of communication with Bank Officers throughout India. There are specific web pages devoted to this task (MyPage, MyEncounters, Life After Retirement etc.). In particular I have communicated my special appeal to all Bank officers. Please read the same A Word with Bank Officers and my special message to Charge Sheeted Officers.

- - - : ( Connected Article "What this Web Site Contains" ) : - - -

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