1989 ** 105 mins.

In this sequel to the 1986 version of The Fly, it is the son who is the source of all the problems. The son of the scientist from the first film is only five years old, but he is a fully-grown adult. He tries to continue his father's work on teleportation. During this, the fly DNA that he inherited from his father awaken. What results is a typical killing and gore-fest that one might expect from a sequel such as this.
Rated R for gore, sexual content, and language.

Eric Stoltz + Daphne Zuniga + Lee Richardson + Harley Cross + John Getz

Story by
Mick Garris

Screenplay by
Mick Garris and Jim & Ken Wheat and Frank Darabont

Directed by
Chris Walas

Other Films with:
Frank Darabont - A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors
Mick Garris - Psycho IV: The Beginning and The Shining (1997)
John Getz - The Fly (1986)
Eric Stoltz - Pulp Fiction
Daphne Zuniga - Spaceballs

Motion Pictures
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