Season Three

18. The Note
gs: Liz Georges (Pam) Ralph Bruneau (Lloyd) Terri Hanauer (Julianna) Jeff Lester (Raymond) Flo Di Re (Recepcionist) Liz Georges (Pam) Paul Rogers (Man in Waiting Room) Dale Raoul (Dental Patient) Joshua Liebling (Billy)

Physical therapy proves painful for Jerry when his small talk with his therapist leads to a misunderstanding. Jerry uses his dentist friend, Roy, to write a note so that insurance will cover therapy for George and Elaine. Then, George's paranoia about men comes into play when he gets a massage from a man and later says "I think it moved." Kramer thinks he has seen DiMaggio in Dinky Donuts. The notes may cause Roy to lose his license in an insurance fraud investigation.

b: 18-Sep-1991 pc: 301 w: Larry David d: Tom Cherones

# NOTE: George says "I think it moved" again in The Mango, after eating a piece of Kramer's mango. The theme music in this episode is supplemented with background vocals. It never returned after this episode.

19. The Truth
gs: Valerie Mahaffey (Patrice) Siobhan Fallon (Tina)

George's relationship with a former IRS worker may ease Jerry's tax audit worries- until she becomes his former girlfriend. She wants to know why, so he tells her the truth, this was after he gave her Jerry's tax records. Elaine sees far too much of Kramer, he's dating her roommate; in return he saw far too much of her, in fact all of her. George tries to get Jerry's tax records back, but he finds she gone into a depression clinic.

b: 25-Sep-1991 pc: 302 w: Elaine Pope d: David Steinberg

# NOTE: According to viewer Jerry Balsam, George first mentions that he has driven women to lesbianism before, something we'll get to experience in "The Smelly Car." This episode marks the genesis of Kramer's facination with Cofee Tables as he finds a windshield in the street and declares he's going to make a coffee table out of it which he and Elaine's roomate eventually fall on, injuring both of them. Also, George expresses desire to be in a mental instution ("with the slippers and all") which he eventually realizes, (with no belt). -cory ctvrtnik

20. The Pen
gs: Barney Martin (Morty Seinfeld) Annie Korzen (Doris Klompus) Liz Sheridan (Helen Seinfeld) Len Lesser (Uncle Leo) Roger Nolan (The Chiropractor) Sandy Baron (Jack Klompus) Ann Morgan Guilbert (Evelyn) Magda Harout (Stella) Tucker Smallwood (Photographer)

Elaine regrets accompanying Jerry on a trip to Florida to visit his parents. There are temperature control problems in the condo, a back breaking sofa bed, a slight overdose of muscle relaxants and the disposition of a pen that writes upside down.

b: 02-Oct-1991 pc: 305 w: Larry David d: Tom Cherones

# NOTE: This is the *only* episode that doesn't contain the character of George Costanza. Kramer doesn't appear in it either, but there another episode that he doesn't appear in either- "The Chinese Restaurant". In "The Wallet" Mr. Seinfeld mentions his back problems started after sleeping on the fold-out, probably a reference to this episode. Also, the pen is mentioning in passing when Jerry buys the Cadillac back from Jack a few seasons later.
# The pen is also mentioned in "The Raincoats (2)". Jack Klompus phones Morty, who is staying at Jerry's place along with Helen. When Jerry answers, they converse for a few seconds and then Jack says "I've still got that pen , you know the one that writes upside down!" Jerry says "Yeah, yeah... I should have kept it!!!" When Jack says he's still got the pen, he is shown holding it in his hand.

21. The Dog
gs: Joseph Maher (Gavin) Tom Williams (Bark of the Dog, Farfel) Marvin Wright-Bey (Attendant #1) Kelly Wellman (Attendant #2)

Jerry is watching an unruly dog, for a fellow airline passenger who's sick in a hospital somewhere in Chicago. Jerry, can't leave his apartment, that leaves George and Elaine alone together. They find they have little to say to each other without their conversational third, Jerry; so they talk about him. Kramer tries breaking up with his girlfriend. Jerry can't locate the dogs owner, who was released from the hospital, some time ago.

b: 09-Oct-1991 pc: 303 w: Larry David d: Tom Cherones

22. The Library
gs: Ashley Gardner (Marion) Marie Barrientos (Receptionist) Philip Baker Hall (Lt. Bookman) Harris Shore (Mr. Lippman) Cynthia Szigeti (Sandy) Biff Yeager (Heyman) Neal Lerner ("Shusher")

The library asks Jerry about a book he checked out in 1971 and never returned, so Jerry looks up an old girlfriend for his defense against a library cop. George thinks the homeless man he'd seen outside the library is a former gym high school gym teacher that he got fired. Kramer has his eye on a librarian. Elaine worries about her career when her boss hates the recommendations she made.

b: 16-Oct-1991 pc: 304 w: Larry Charles d: Joshua White

# NOTE: Viewer Bill Watson notes that people often forget, myself included, about Harris Shore's only appearance as Mr. Lippman. Richard Fancy assumes that role beginning in the "The Red Dot." It is mentioned here that George's gym teacher used to call him "can't-stand-ya". What's interesting is that in "The Raincoats (1)", when Jerry asks his parents why they don't want to go to the Costanzas for dinner, Helen answers "We don't care much for the Costanzas" and THEN Morty says: "We can't-stand-em".

23. The Parking Garage
gs: David Dunard (Security Guard) Cynthia Ettinger (Michelle) Gregory Daniel (Man in Corvette) Carlyle King (Mother) Adam Wylie (Kid) Joe Farago (Man with Woman) Ron Evans (Bodybuilder) Tucker Smallwood (Man in Mercedes)

Everyone separates to try to find the car in a huge parking garage. Jerry needs the use of a bathroom so he finds a place to go and gets busted. Elaine tries to get help from people passing by. George joins Jerry in getting busted. Kramer is wearing "the jacket," and forgets where he put down the air conditioner he was carrying and causes George to be real late for his parent's 47th anniversary.

b: 30-Oct-1991 pc: 306 w: Larry David d: Tom Cherones

# NOTE: Viewer Kyle Westphal notes that Kramer parks in Purple 23. This happens to be the 23rd episode. Another viewer, Kyle Matschke notes that Kramer put the air conditioner down in Purple 23 and Jerry peed in Yellow 14. The episode ends with Kramer's car not starting, but in the original script the ending was supposed to be Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer getting in the car and then driving around in circles trying to find the exit to the mall. But when Michael Richards went to start the car it wouldn't start and they decided to end the show that way instead because it was funnier. If you watch Jason Alexander in the back you'll see him laughing and shaking his head slightly when the car doesn't start because everyone was surprised by it.
# The exterior shots of the parking garage are actually the Newport Centre Mall in Jersey City, NJ. The interior shots of course are not. This mall is located at the foot of the Holland Tunnel, which connects New York City, NY and Jersey City, NJ.

24. The Cafe
gs: Brian George (Babu Bhatt) Dawn Arnemann (Monica)

Jerry tries helping the owner of a small restaurant attract customers by giving him a suggestion. George must take an IQ test for his latest girlfriend, so Elaine helps him in "a caper" where she takes the test for him. Kramer tries to keep his mother's ex-boyfriend's jacket, because it helps him meet women; however the ex-boyfriend comes looking for it.

b: 06-Nov-1991 pc: 307 w: Tom Leopold d: Tom Cherones

NOTE: When Jerry is in the cafe for the second time, he thinks to himself, "I am great..." while striking the same pose as the bust of Julius Caesar that is on the wall behind him.

25. The Tape
gs: John Apicella (Repairman) Ping Wu (Delivery Boy (Ping)) Norman Brenner (Beder)

George is excited about a new potential baldness cure that was discovered in China. While listening to a tape of his previous nights show, Jerry hears the voice of a mysterious woman who talks dirty into his tape recorder and everyone becomes excited by the voice. Elaine shines in an entirely new light for George when he is let in on the her secret, she's the voice. He is later driven crazy when she plays around with him while goofing around in front of Kramer's new video recorder. George tries the bald cure. Kramer searches for the jacket.

b: 13-Nov-1991 pc: 308 w: Larry David and Bob Shaw & Don McEnery d: David Steinberg

NOTE: Maybe it's a trick of the light; if not, it's quite a clever camera shot: George, when in the car with Elaine, seems less bald as a shadow is cast over his bald spot.

26. The Nose Job
gs: Susan Diol (Audrey) Roy Brocksmith (Landlord) Tawny Kitaen (Isabel) Joseph V. Perry (Newstand Owner) David Blackwood (Interviewer)

Jerry's brain and penis play chess against one another to decide whether he should keep dating a vacuous model with whom the "sex is great" but not anything else. George is dating a woman with a big nose, Kramer tells her it like it is and she gets a nose job; however, there is a complication. Kramer gets Elaine to help him retrieve the jacket.

b: 20-Nov-1991 pc: 309 w: Peter Mehlman d: Tom Cherones

# NOTE: In this episode George mentions he is from Long Island, whereas in other episodes he states that he grew up in Queens. Technically Queens (and Brooklyn) are located on the western end of Long Island. According to some New Yorkers saying that you are from Queens and saying that you are from Long Island are entirely different things. It must be one of those social things, like being "from the other side of the tracks." This is the first episode where Kramer uses Dr. Von Nostrand. He uses it to pretend his is the fiancé of Elaine, Elaine is pretending to be a guy's daughter to get Kramer's jacket back. Kramer uses this alias in a few other episodes including; "The Package" and "The Slicer."
# While his brain is playing his penis in a chess game Jerry says "one for all the marbles" Kramer uses the exact same line later in "The Betrayal."
# In the scenes where Jerry's brain and penis play a metaphorical game of chess, the penis is represented by Seinfeld wearing a combat helmet (of the style worn by the US military from the 1940s to the '80s). One wonders if a firefighter's helmet wouldn't have been more evocative.

27. The Stranded
gs: Michael Chiklis (Steve) Teri Austin (Ava) Bobbi Jo Lathan (Patti) Gwen Shepherd (Cashier) Dwayne Kennedy (Frank) Marcia Firesten (Jenny) Michael Milhoan (Security Guard) John Putch (Roy) Melissa Weil (Gwen) Ellen Ratner (Ellen) Frank Piazza (Cop)

Jerry & Elaine go to a party with George, while there they send signals to each other to get out of bad party conversations. Afterward, George abandons them there, when he leaves with a co-worker he has a chance with. Jerry & Elaine keeping the hosts up real late, while waiting for Kramer to come and pick them up. The host later takes Jerry up on his offer to drop by when he is in the city, just as Jerry is leaving. He stays in Jerry's apartment for the evening and parties with Kramer and a lady of the evening. Later George pays the price for his romance in the workplace (he must quit) and he tries to shoplift at the drug store where he says they still owe him ten dollars.

b: 27-Nov-1991 pc: 209 w: Larry David & Jerry Seinfeld and Matt Goldman d: Tom Cherones

# NOTE: This episode was originally going to be broadcast during the second season on 17 Jul 91. Jerry comes on before the broadcast of this episode and explains that it is from the time before George lost his job and he wanted to "let you know, that we know, you know." Viewer Jeff Holland notes that one of George's co-workers says she just sold a property at 129 W. 81 St.; that of course is the building where Jerry, Kramer and Newman live.
# Note that Jerry is left-handed when he is writing something on a notepad at the party.
# Elaine tells someone at the party that she is reading manuscripts for Pendant Publishing. Jerry walks by and says "Pendant! Those bastards!" This is a reference to what Elaine's father said in "The Jacket" when Elaine told him she was working for Pendant.

28. The Alternate Side
gs: Jay Brooks (Sid) Janet Zarish (Rental Car Agent) Edward Penn (Owen March) Jeff Barton (Paramedic)

Jerry's car is stolen and the criminal picks up his car phone. George decides to take a fill-in job moving cars from one side of the street to the other; this turns into a disaster for local traffic flow. Kramer gets a chance to do a line in a Woody Allen film; "these pretzels are making me thirsty." Elaine gets tired of her 66-year-old boyfriend and when she is about to break up with him, he has a stroke.

b: 04-Dec-1991 pc: 310 w: Larry David and Bill Masters d: Tom Cherones

# NOTE: Viewer Burton Reibling notes that while Kramer almost got his line in Woddy's film. Julia Louis-Dreyfus has a single line in Hannah and Her Sisters. In her scene Woody Allen arrives at work (he is working at a television network), and Julia says, "Mickey, we have half an hour until airtime." She delivers this line about 10 - 15 minutes into the film, and about a minute later John Turturro also has a line. Viewer Kevin Hercules notes the following blooper: Jerry is driving a BMW. In a BMW, the defroster is on the top of the vent positions. Jerry tells the guy that stole his car that it is on the bottom. In the yet another blooper category, viewer Jeff Holland notes that George moves fast. In an editing blooper in one shot he is across the room by the window. In the next shot, he is in the kitchen behind Jerry. He also notes the irony, that Jason has the side job as "Pretzel Boy" when George utters the line "these pretzels are making me thirsty."
# Jeff Holland also notes that Jerry's car phone number 555-8383 is used in a later episode as his home number.
# Larry David supplies the voice of the man who stole Jerry's car. You can make it out while Jerry calls his car phone and the thief answers the phone and talks to Jerry.

29. The Red Dot
gs: David Naughton (Dick) Bridget Sienna (Evie) Rachel Davies (Saleswoman) Richard Fancy (Mr. Lippman)

Jerry is the unwitting cause of Elaine's boyfriend falling off the wagon. Elaine gets George a job, so he buys her a gift, an $85 cashmere sweater. The sweater has a little red dot on it; hence the price. Elaine gives it back, then George gives it to the cleaning woman, to keep her quiet about them having sex on his desk. George gets fired.

b: 11-Dec-1991 pc: 311 w: Larry David d: Tom Cherones

NOTE: This is the only episode in which Jerry interacts with the audience during his cutscene acts when Elaine's boyfriend who is "off" the wagon blurts something out.

30. The Subway
gs: Ernie Sabella (Naked Man) Barbara Stock (Scam Woman) Rhoda Gemignani (Woman with Elaine) Mark Boone Jr. (OTB Patrol) Christopher Collins (Thug) Barry Vigon (Player #1) Daryl Roach (Violinist/Cop) Joe Restivo (Player #2) Chet Nelson (Kid)

Everyone has an uncommon experience while going their separate ways on the subway. George meets a beautiful woman who distracts him from his intended destination, a job interview. Jerry falls asleep and then wakes up across from a fat naked man and winds up discussing with him, the New York Mets & Coney Island. Elaine's train stops in the middle of a tunnel on her way to be best man at a lesbian wedding. Kramer overhears a hot tip on a horse on his way to pay $600 in traffic violations.

b: 08-Jan-1992 pc: 313 w: Larry Charles d: Tom Cherones

NOTE: In this episode Kramer overhears a tip for the horses. The horse he bets on is named "Papa-Nick". The Key Grip for the series is credited as Pete Papanicklaus.

31. The Pez Dispenser
gs: Elizabeth Morehead (Noel) Fred Sanders (John) Bill Applebaum (D'Giff) Allen Bloomfield (Polar Bear) Chris Barnes (Richie) Steve Kehela (Intervenor) Kate Benton (Roberta)

Kramer joins the "Polar Bear Club." Jerry gets one of Kramer's Pez dispensers which makes Elaine laugh during a piano recital of George's girlfriend, and that puts their relationship in jeopardy. Kramer has an idea for a cologne that smells like the beach and suggests that George make a preemptive breakup with his girlfriend, that will give him the "upper hand." The Pez dispenser has a remarkable effect during a drug confrontation.

b: 15-Jan-1992 pc: 314 w: Larry David d: Tom Cherones

NOTE: George mentions that Noel was playing the "Waldstein" sonata which is Beethoven's Piano Sonata #21, Op. 53. Later at the recital the piece Noel is playing is another Beethoven Piano Sonata, #8 "Pathetique" Op. 13.

32. The Suicide
gs: Wayne Knight (Newman) Gina Gallego (Gina) Mimi Lieber (Rula) C.E. Grimes (Martin) Howard Schecter (Doctor) Howard Shecter (Doctor) Aimee Aro (Faithy) Peggy Lane O'Rourke (Nurse) Pegg Lane O'Rourke (Nurse)

Elaine needs to fast before an x-ray, so she tries stuffing herself three days before the test. After his neighbor Martin tries suicide, Jerry is hit on by his girlfriend, Gina, while at the hospital. A psychic warns George to cancel his vacation to the Cayman Islands, but never can tell George why. Jerry becomes worried when Newman (a friend of Martins) sees him with Gina. Elaine starts hallucinating from hunger. Everything hinges on a Drake's coffee cake.

b: 29-Jan-1992 pc: 312 w: Tom Leopold d: Tom Cherones

# NOTE: According to viewer Ben Houghton, Jason Alexander's mother makes a cameo in this episode sitting on a bench next to Elaine. George mentions he has a brother. He says that once HIS BROTHER impregnated a woman.

33. The Fix-Up
gs: Maggie Wheeler (Cynthia)

After selling each other on the idea, Jerry and Elaine sell George and Elaine's friend on a blind date, then they await the results. They promise to keep each other updated with "full disclosure," though that doesn't happen. There also may be a problem with a defective condom. "My boys can swim!"

b: 05-Feb-1992 pc: 317 w: Elaine Pope and Larry Charles d: Tom Cherones

NOTE: Elaine Pope and Larry Charles won an Emmy for writing this episode.

34. The Boyfriend (1)
gs: Keith Hernandez (Himself) Wayne Knight (Newman) Rae Allen (Mrs. Sokol) Richard Assad (Cabbie)

Jerry meets Keith Hernandez and wants to make a good impression. Meanwhile, George is out of time on his unemployment and he works harder than ever on his scheme to get a 13 week extension. He tells the unemployment office he was really close on Vandelay Industries, a company that makes latex products and whose main office is Jerry's apartment. Kramer and Newman hate Hernandez back to a time when they were allegedly spit on by him; however, Jerry supports the "second-spitter theory." Keith asks Jerry about Elaine's status. Keith makes a date with her and breaks a date with Jerry.

b: 12-Feb-1992 pc: 315 w: Larry David and Larry Levin d: Tom Cherones

# NOTE: Originally broadcast as part of a 60 min episode. The name Vandelay is used again, this time as a company. Devoted Internet fans of the show decide the company's name will be used for their electronic mailing list. The spitting reconstruction with Kramer and Newman was an obvious takeoff of the JFK conspiracy. Oddly enough, Wayne Knight (Newman) was in the movie "J.F.K." and his character was used in Kevin Costner's demonstration on how there was likely a second shooter.
# Jerry's alias Kal Varnsen is used here for the first time. He'll use it again later in "The Puerto Rican Day". Here he uses when he answers the phone on George's behalf. The name Kal is the first name of Jerry's real life father and is also part of Superman's real Kryptonian name "Kal-El", another Superman reference for the series.
# This is not the first time a famous baseball player is mentioned in the show. In "The Note", Kramer believes he saw Joe Dimaggio in Dinky Donuts. To get his attention, Kramer behaves erratically, pounding on the table and yelping like a dog. Jerry also behaves weirdly to impress Keith. Difference is, Keith was there, Joe wasn't :-)

35. The Boyfriend (2)
gs: Keith Hernandez (Himself) Wayne Knight (Newman) Rae Allen (Mrs. Sokol) Carol Ann Susi (Carrie) Lisa Mende (Carol) Roger McDowell (Himself) Stephen Prutting (Michael) Melanie Good (Woman) Richard Assad (Cabbie)

George tries two more approaches with the unemployment officer. Kramer gets Jerry to accompany him to see a former neighbors' new baby, "you got to see the baby." Though he's gone out with Keith once, does that mean he must help him move. Elaine and Keith are hitting it off until he pulls out a cigarette. George wants to sleep with a really tall woman. Keith supports the "second spitter theory." Jerry and Elaine both breakup with Keith and George might get his wish.

b: 12-Feb-1992 pc: 316 w: Larry David and Larry Levin d: Tom Cherones

NOTE: Originally broadcast as part of a 60 min episode.

36. The Limo
gs: Peter Krause (Tim) Suzanne Snyder (Eva) Jeremy Roberts (Chauffeur) Jodi Baskerville (Herself) I.M. Hobson (Businessman) Harley Venton (Dan) Adam Leslie (Man at Protest) Norman Brenner (Man at Airport) Aaron Kanarek (Protester #1) Ray Glanzmann (Protester #2)

On a whim, Jerry and George take a limo from a passenger that Jerry knows never made it on the plane. While taking the limo they call Elaine & Kramer to join them for an event at Madison Square Garden, but it isn't the type of event they were hoping for.

b: 26-Feb-1992 pc: 318 w: Larry Charles s: Marc Jaffe d: Tom Cherones

# NOTE: A rare episode, where Jerry's apartment is not featured. If this episode does not include Jerry's apartment does it indeed have an image of Superman in it? It is commomly believed that every Seinfeld episode has an image of Superman in it.
# The woman who George and Jerry pick up on the way to the neo-Nazi conference is named Eva...and as we all know, Eva Braun was the name of Hitler's girlfriend during WWII. Clever. (iamthewinter)
# Suzanne Snyder (Eva) comes back as Audrey in "The Pie."

37. The Good Samaritan
gs: Melinda McGraw (Angela) Ann Talman (Robin) Joseph Malone (Michael) Helen Slater (Becky Gelke (uncredited))

Jerry tracks down a hit-and-run driver, then he wants to date her, after dating her he finds out she hit another woman he's always wanted to date. George has an affair with Elaine's friend. Kramer has violent reactions to Mary Hart's voice.

b: 04-Mar-1992 pc: 319 w: Peter Mehlman d: Jason Alexander

# NOTE: Helen Slater starred in the movie Supergirl. "Entertainment Tonight" refused to lend them the theme tune for the show, and this is the only episode that Jason Alexander has directed.
# This isn't the only episode in which George broke up someone else's relationship with a casual, teasing comment. This also happened in The Wait Out.

38. The Letter
gs: Catherine Keener (Nina) Richard Venture (Leonard West) Elliot Reed (Mr. Armstrong) Elliott Reid (Mr. Armstrong) Justine Johnston (Mrs. Armstrong) Shashawnee Hall (Usher) Richard Fancy (Mr. Lippman)

Kramer poses for a painting, that an elderly couple becomes just crazy about. George feels obligated to buy something when he accompanies Jerry to his new girlfriend's art studio. Elaine wears an Orioles baseball cap in the owner's box at Yankee Stadium and refuses to remove it. Jerry finds out his new girlfriend is a plagiarist after he hears the words she wrote in a letter, on television. Elaine gets a chance to return to Yankee Stadium.

b: 25-Mar-1992 pc: 320 w: Larry David d: Tom Cherones

# NOTE: Viewer Jeff Holland notes that Elaine comments during this episode that no one would want to watch a bris; however in "The Bris" that is just what she and Jerry do! After Kramer's head accident, he calls George "Mike". This is in reference to Mike Costanza, the person who for the most part was the actual person George was based on.
# I saw the 'Kramer' painting hanging in the actual diner in Manhattan they used for the exterior shot for the coffee house the gang frequents, with the red neon restaurant sign.
# A copy of the painting of "The Kramer" was used as a prop in Louis' bedroom in the Disney Channel series Even Stevens.
# In continuation of the remark about "Even Stevens", Kramer is the one who says to Jerry in "The Opposite": "You know who you are? Even Steven!"

39. The Parking Space
gs: Zachary Charles (II) (Angry Man) Wayne Knight (Newman) Lee Arenberg (Mike Moffit) Jay Brooks (Sid) Maryedith Burrell (Maryedith) Shannon Cochran (Sheila) Michael A. Costanza (Truck Driver) Mik Scriba (Cop #1) John Christian Graas (Matthew) Stan Sellers (Cop #2) Peggy Lane O'Rourke (Bystander #1) Steven Marcus Gibbs (Bystander #2) Larry David (Voice of Fight Referee (uncredited))

Kramer tells Jerry about something his friend Mike said about Jerry being "a phony." After borrowing Jerry's car, Elaine comes up with a wild story, because the car is now making a strange clanking noise. George gets into a confrontation with Mike about a parking space in front of Jerry's apartment. Everyone one the street debates about parking etiquette.

b: 04-Feb-1992 pc: 322 w: Larry David & Greg Daniels d: Tom Cherones

# NOTE: Viewer Fabio Sciola notes that this is the episode where George mentions again that he has a brother. However, he hasn't mentioned this brother since this episode. At least that I am aware of. Maryedith Burrell is reunited with Fridays stars Michael Richards and Larry David in this episode.

40. The Keys
gs: Candice Bergen (Herself (as Murphy Brown)) Wayne Knight (Newman) Nina Tremblay (Jerry's Girlfriend) Ricky Dean Logan (Hippie #1) Eric Allan Kramer (Biker) Maud Winchester (Hippie #2) Rickie Dean Logan (Hippie #1) Sharon Barr (Trucker) Heather James (Waitress) Carissa Channing (Kramer's Girlfriend (Gucci))

Kramer invades Jerry's life too much, so Jerry revokes his spare key privileges. Realizing that he has broken the "covenant of the keys" gives Kramer the realization he is now free to come out of the shadows. Kramer takes off for California to follow his acting dream. Jerry gave his spare keys to Elaine, then when he needs them, he goes with George to Elaine's (who has her keys) to search for his spare set. What they find is Elaine's show-biz project. Kramer finds adventure as he journeys across the country to LA where he gets a famous bit part on Murphy Brown.

b: 06-May-1992 pc: 321 w: Larry Charles d: Tom Cherones

# NOTE: Kramer's character name on "Murphy Brown" was Steven Snell; what is unknown is what secretary number he was. When Jerry phones Kramer's mom, she's totally drunk and all we hear is opera music. In fact, this music is "Pagliaci", the very same Opera the gang went to a few episodes later, in "The Opera".

Season 1 2 34 5 67 8 9


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