H - J

Head Guard
(played by Robert Zachar) (DS9)

Officer guarding the prison at Ty'Gokor where Sisko and his team were kept.

(played by Tom Towles) (DS9)

First officer of the Toh'Kaht, a Vorcha Class attack cruiser. In 2369, the Toh'Khat was destroyed right before it arrived at Deep Space Nine. It returned to Deep Space Nine about five months earlier than it was supposed to from the Gamma Quadrant. Hon'Tihl was miraculously beamed on board Deep Space Nine and died instantly after he materialized by a stair rail. DS9 personnel studied his log entries. It was later learned that the Klingons' minds were infected by telepathic manipulation they picked up while they were on their scientific mission at Salathuna III where they found energy spheres. Unbeknownst to the Klingons that brought about a dramatic behavior change that brought about a power struggle on board the starship. That telepathic manipulation was brought on board Deep Space Nine by Hon'Tihl and discipline on board the station deteriorated. Bajorans began to unite against the Star Fleet officers. Commander Sisko was forced to relinquish command to the Bajorans. In the end, the Deep Space Nine crew managed to send those manipulation thoughts out into space at a cargo bay, which has a beautiful view of the exterior of the space station. (Dramatis Personae)

Holodeck Klingon
(played by John Tesh) (TNG)

Klingon character that held painstick used on Worf in Rite of Ascension ceremony. (The Icarus Factor)

(mentioned character - no actor) (TNG)

Father of Duras. In 2346, Ja'rod sent defense codes to the Romulans so they would easily be able to destroy the Khitomer outpost where Mogh, Ja'rod's political rival lived. In 2366, when Duras discovered that his father was responsible, he told the Chancellor K'mpec that he can't reveal that fact to anyone. He came up with the idea to accuse Worf's late father, Mogh, because they felt that Worf wouldn't have the strength and determination to challenge such a ruling. (Reunion)

(played by Henry Woronicz) (TNG)

J'Ddan comes on board the Enterprise-D in 2367 (Stardate 44758). He was an exobiologist. When Federation intelligence obtained word that the Romulans have attained Enterprise-D engine schematics an investigation was carried out. A serious explosion takes place on board the Enterprise-D and the investigation revealed that J'Ddan was the one who managed to hand the Romulans what the Romulans sought. J'Ddan was confronted about that on board the ship--at first he denied involvement. He eventually confessed. After further investigation, it was learned that the explosion in engineering wasn't caused by J'Ddan. (The Drumhead)

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