D - F

(played by Carlos Carrasco) (DS9)

Kozak's brother. In early 2371, he went to Deep Space Nine after Kozak died and forced Quark into changing his story from an accident to a real combat. Quark goes to the High Council and tells them that D'Ghor was using money to bring down the House of Kozak, therefore, Chancellor Gowron said that the House of Kozak is gone and that it is now the House of Quark. Immediately, D'Ghor announced to the High Council that Kozak was killed by accident and had a witness brought into the Great Hall, that is, Rom. Rom is Quark's brother. Eventually, D'Ghor looses his honor and House of D'Ghor is dissolved. (The House of Quark)

(played by Charles Esten) (TNG)

A young man who was a believer of Kahless the Unforgettable teachings. He was present on the planet Boreth when Worf visited the monastery in 2369. He was the one who called the clerics when Kahless appeared by the fireplace where they were praying. (Stardate 46532). (Rightful Heir)


(played by Obi Ndefo) (DS9)

Son of General Martok. He boarded Deep Space Nine with several Klingons after Captain Sisko invited them in the first few days of 2372. Drex harassed Morn and also beat up Garak when Garak returned to his tailor shop. Drex shouted at Quark and then fought with Worf in Quark's bar and Worf took his dagger. (Way of the Warrior)

(played by Patrick Massett) (TNG)

A member/leader of the House of Duras. A very powerful and influential leader. A member of the High Council.

2366-He contrived evidence that Mogh had betrayed Khitomer to the Romulans. (43685.2). He forced the High Council to rule against Mogh's family. He sent two people to kill Kurn, Worf's brother.

2367-following the death of Chancellor K'mpec, Duras sought the position and became one of two contenders of the position, the other person was Gowron. (Stardate 44247). Duras was suspected in the poisoning of the Chancellor. Moreover, an explosion on board K'mpec's starship was found to have been caused by one of Duras's security officers. Later on when K'Ehleyr was about to gain ground on why Worf was dishonored, Duras killed K'Ehleyr and Worf boarded Duras's starship and called for a fight. Worf killed Duras. (Sins of the Father and Reunion)

(played by Tom Magee) (TNG)

Mythical Klingon creature who is the guardian to the gates of Gre'thor. (The Devil's Due)

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