Grand Duke Rocco Deparle, Demonslayer, Lord of the Legion, Bane of the Blues, Elemental Champion, Elf-Friend, Dwarf-Friend, Defender of the Oppressed, Bane of all that is Evil, aka LORD ROCK of Rockport (1/2-Steel Dragon-1/2 Meta-Human Male Mage-Warrior). "Some creature of stone and steel that neither despair nor weariness nor endless barren miles could subdue." - Lord of the Rings Bk6, Ch3. Lord Rock was an original member of the Silver Knot before retiring to marry and establish Rockport after the battle of La Rochesse. He bought with him his personal fortune and the Rock Legion, his veterans from the campaign of La Rochesse in the Zombie War.

The Lady Lyddia. Lord Rock's wife is a somewhat of a strange lady. She is of a similar race to Lord Rock, but remains beautiful in a common way with long white hair in contrast to his other-worldy looks and hairless skin. She too has a hard skin. But this bellies her softness as a person. Lady Lyddia is very soulful, able to empathise and read people. She is a sage type who specialises in folk wisdom. Lady Lyddia is also said to be pyschically sensitive to the world around her and it is rare for Lord Rock not to listen hard to what his devoted and wise wife says. Lady Lyddia is pregnant iwth twins. The happy couple are still very much in love.


These are the nobles of Rockport. Each runs an area of Rockport as a feudal vassal of Lord Rock. The islands surrounding Rockport are owned by these nobles who charge rent to those living there and then pay a portion of this to Lord Rock. Paramount Chief Pyramous also owns some of the land under the sea, but rules as fuedal chief over much more of the ocean surrounding Rockport.


Ochler is a retired adventurer from Sekuthar, Mirradanor specifically, where he trained as a Bard before developing sonic-based spellcasting as a master wizard. He is a man in his late thirties, heavy-set, with white and grey streaks through a thick curly mop of blonde hair. His skin is tanned pink and he has violet eyes. He customarily wears black studded leather and a tiger skin cloak.


Damazina is a standard fighter, hailing originally from Minrothad but spending most of her life in the Grey Mountain hinterlands between Thyatis and Karameikos.

LORD PLURUS (Human Male Cleric of Justice)

Plurus is a just and deliberate man with a great sense of style, as reflected in his fantastic island setting.

LORD COGO VORNHELM (Human Male Fighter)

Cogo is a gambler, speculator and broker with a suprerb insight into business and the soul.

LADY GERALDINE OF HIGHFORGE (Dwarf Female Technician Illusionist Warrior Rogue Druid)

Geraldine is an inventor, smith and mistress of crafts. She is dedicated both to her thaumaturgical experiments and to the realm.

LORD MAXIM (Human Male Rogue Fighter [Swashbuckler])

Maxim is a metahuman legatee, inheriting a bloodline of swordsmanship and derring-do. He lives more or less alone in a beached galleon in the centre of his island, which resembles Peter Pan's lost world.

PARAMOUNT CHIEF PYRAMOUS (Really really big Octopus)

Pyramous is the leading chieftan of the many undersea races that live around Rockport. As such Pyramous rules as Lord Rock's fuedal vassal for this area. It's a big task. Luckily Pyramous is the size of a city block and so can handle big tasks. He is an honourable Octopus with a deep sense of loyalty and duty.


These marvellous folks are the souls responsible for keeping Rockport ticking over and continuing its growth from a small island-state in to an important nation. All have been hand picked by Lord Rock for the devotion to the ideals of Rockport, their talent, and their dedication to duty. The work they do in maintaining the seat of the Free Realms Truce Palace and the Vault of Rockport allows the world to keep walking step by step that thousand mile road to peace.

Seneschal (Secretary of State). “Little Fox”. Female Masked Bandit Treefolk Expert. Personality/Outlook: cautious, curious & mischievous. She is curious of the world around her and likes to be involved, but is cautious of her little size in this world of big people. She is engaging and cheerful. Quote: “There is nothing so tiny that it lacks the strength to repel its assailants and save itself.”

Steward (Chief of Staff). “Kueet”. Male Octopus Warrior. Kueet may look like he has been sucking on a bit too much freaky fungus, but he is a capable, reliable administrator and leader. Kueet takes his time, but gets the job done. Personality/Outlook: laid back, a plodder. Quote: “Shibby!”

Chief of Defence Forces. “Vix the Valorous”. Female Orc Legionary/Expert/Aristocrat. Vix fought with Lord Rock at the Battle of La Rochesse. She is a master strategist, and a defender of female rights. Personality/Outlook: a dynamic go-getter and leader. Quote: “Hope alone does not conquer a superior enemy.”

Minister of Justice. “Valauk” (“Dragon Kinsman”). Male Dwarf Devoted Defender. Before moving to Rockport, Valauk was one of the leaders of his community. Since his migration, Valauk has adopted Rockport as his community to which he is devoted. His devotion to duty and his strong sense of justice made him the perfect choice to steer Rockport law enforcement towards a truly just and efficient force. Personality/Outlook: 3’6” and 132lbs of pure heart and dedication to a safe and just community. Quote: “What we do in life echoes in eternity. So do good.”

Minister of the Interior. “Muzzberta Kalistes”. Female Octopi Aristocrat/Expert. Muzzberta is from the bloodline of Paramount Chief Pyramous, a great noble and leader amongst the Octopi Nation. Her connections and talent made her the perfect choice to act as Lord Rock’s Minister of the Interior, seeing to the day-to-day administration of the city and lands of Rockport. She is a little odd though and the sight of her roller-skating around Rockport in her goldfish bowl with its eight tentacle holes, her gold-rimmed spectacles and a backpack full of books and weapons is enough to make many of the city’s visitors look twice. Personality/Outlook: cheerful and bafflingly strange. Quote: “The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate for the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty. And we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think ourselves anew, and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves.”

Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade. “Rhenex”. Male Triton Cleric of Sard/Bard. Rhenex and his 19 bardic/clreic acolytes perform an incredibly vital role in Rockport’s national policy. Rhenex often talks to foreign leaders and representatives, smoothing the way for a secure environment and smoothing over some of the ruffles caused by Lord Rock’s pugnacity. Rhenex’s acolytes act as truthsayers and heralds for the realm. Personality/Outlook: meditative, quiet and polite. Quote: “Please continue ambassador, I am listening.”

Treasury Minister. “Bidd Asaustusuz”. Male Triton Corsair. Bidd still can’t believe his luck. His job is to watch over the economic development of Rockport, and includes the development of the Vault and the economic clout it generates. For a corsair who once sought to make “the one big score” this job is heaven as Rockport continues to develop conomically. Personality/Outlook: extremely cheerful! Quote: “Money fight!”

Head of the Great Lyceum of Rockport. “Anix” (“Fox-like Enemy”). Female Dwarf Devoted Defender/Expert (“Great Teacher“ kit). Anix is a former leader of her Dwarf community. Lord Rock’s love of heroic literature has allowed Anix to devote her time and energies to completing a Great Library of Historiai (of Enquiries). Anix uses her analytical and driven mind to collect and process the many tales that pass through Rockport. She is proud of her library and enjoying the full support of Lord Rock. Personality/Outlook: contemplative, serious, perceptive and wise. Quote: “Knowledge is the ultimate goal.”

Chief Accountant in charge of Internal Finances. Male Merman Love Cleric/Expert.

Chief Accountant in charge of External Finances. Male Octopi Rogue/Expert.

Chief Accountant in charge of Vault Finances. Female Sea-Elf Warrior/Expert.

Bard to the Free Realms. Female Triton Bard.

Bard of Rockport (Town Crier). Male Triton Bard.

Avian-carer. Female Dwarf Rogue/Expert.

Rockport Brewer - home if the Eoch Ale and Mystery Mead. Female Human Expert.

Clerk of Court. Male Triton Warrior/Expert

Courtiers of Rockport (c. 100 - one for every realm Rockport has relations with).

Captain of Customs & Excise. Male Octopi Rogue.

Undercity Warden (Dungeon Keeper). Female Triton Warrior/Expert.

Royal Executioner. Female Triton Warrior.

Herald of the Royal Palace. Male Triton Bard/Expert.

Menagerie Keeper. Female Triton Warrior/Expert.

Undersea Prospector. Female Octopi Mercenary/Expert.

Undersea Prospector. Male Octopi Expert.

Undersea Prospector. Male Octopi Legionary/Expert.

Undersea Prospector. Male Human Rogue/Expert.

Undersea Prospector. Female Dwarf Expert.

Undersea Prospector. Female Treefolk Expert.

Undersea Prospector. ???

Undersea Prospector. ???

Undersea Prospector. ???

Undersea Prospector. ???

SHOPKEEPERS (and quality).

The shopkeepers of Rockport are supported through government initiatives. A percentage of the GDP is re-directed into local industry in terms of financial support, development of industry sites, the increase of contacts and business networks, and improvement of techniques.

The Mythical Bookshop (Very Good). Run by - Male Triton Rogue.

Freight Company (Very Good). Run by - Female Triton Commoner.

Sailmaker (Very Good). Run by - Female Triton Warrior.

Lapidary (Good). Run by - Male Dwarf Commoner.

Fishmonger (Very Good). Run by - Female Merman Commoner.

Fabric Shop/Courtier (Fine Quality). Run by - Female Triton Commoner.

Gem cutter (Fine Quality). Run by - Male Octopi Fanatic.

Jeweller (Very Good). Run by - Female Octopi Warrior.

Cartographer (Fine Quality). Run by - Female Triton Smuggler.

Customs House & Excise (Good). Run by - the Captain of Customs & Excise, a Male Octopi Rogue.

Sage (Fine Quality). Run by - Female Orc Sage.

Octopi Trading Post (Fine Quality). Run by - Female Octopi Commoner.

Lizardman/Saurian Trading Post (Fine Quality). Run by - Male Saurian Expert.

The First Bank of Rockport. (Fine Quality). Run by - Female Octopi Expert.

Blacksmith (Excellent). Run by - Female Merman Expert.

Carpenter (Fine Quality). Run by - Male Triton Expert.

Foundry (Fine Quality). Run by - Male Merman Expert.


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