"The nation state has no greater obligation than to ensure the security of its people and its territory." - Lord Rock


"Military planners must think creatively if they are to provide vision and alternatives for their nations. They must think critically if they are to select appropriate ways and means to execute alternatives and achieve the vision." - Brigadier General Harold Nelson (Retd.)

Lord Rock, in consultation with the Rockport Department of Defence, has released a White Paper outlining the future of the Rockport military. The paper presents a small, highly trained and well-equipped core military that utilises specialised local units and a range of force multipliers. The future Rockport military will be inward looking, focussed on national defence, but will still maintain a capacity to serve alongside allies in war theatres outside Rockport's immediate region.

Alliances. "One in - all in!" - Gordon Rugby Club Motto

Rockport's key military strength will always lie in its firm alliances with other nations, both within the Free Realms and without. So long as those nations who stand against tyranny, oppression and evil aid one another in resisting the darkness, the light of freedom will continue to burn brightly and cast back the darkness and shadow. Rockport will secure these alliances through public & private trade, joint-military exercises and arrangements, and through government sponsored negotiation. Key strategic allies will remain the Free Realms, the Octopus Nation and the Sky Federation.

The Rock Legion. "The fearless, the ruthless, these alone will achieve victory."

This veteran legion will be maintained as a standing force. Training and equipment will continue to be upgraded and an inherent amphibious nature granted with the influx of Octopi and Merman units to serve alongside the predominantly human and lizard-man force. The Rock Legion will continue to act as a "feeder force" to supply Rockport special forces and other para-military units. The Rock Legion will also maintain a high state of readiness for deployment so that Rockport may support her allies in overseas defence. Specialised Units such as the Wild Riders and Octopi Marines (as featured so nobly during the Dedite War in the repelling of the dragonflight attacks and the retaking of Port Cuidad respectively) will continue. The use of local and native specialised troops will be encouraged throughout Rockport's territory as a way of continuous development of local military cusotms, and of utilising the natural strengths of Rockport's many diverse cutlures. These specialised units, which will include many under-sea units, will be based locally and supported through Rockport's administrative structure such as shipping and the Watchtowers.

Watchtowers. 'Delivery up your arms.'"Come and take them!" - Leonidas's reply to the Persion king Xerxes before the last stand of The Three Hundred.

Watchtowers will be constructed throughout Rockport's territory. These will function as military/administrative centres, capable of supporting the local civillian needs as well as acting as military support centres for the purposes of supply, defence, and administration. The Watchtowers will be fortified and share communications so that an area network is established through which Rockport's military units can be in contact and can suppot each other. The Watchtowers will also allow Lord Rock lend his support to nearby military units.

Special Forces. "'Warrior' and 'Killer' do not mean the same thing."

Rockport will continue to develop its Special Forces. These will be given aerial and under-sea transport capability so that their military talents can be utilised across the th wide range of Rockport territory. Recruitment to the Rockport Special Forces will continue to be through the Rock Legion.

Force Multipliers. "A fox-skin must be stitched on where-ever a lion-skin cannot be stretched." - Lysander.

Rockport will employ priestly, druidical and magical supporting agents to increase the firepower of its military units and to make full use of the advantages of Rockport's natural terrain. While a large proportion of these force multipliers will come from priests, druids, and magic-users of the realm of Rockport and the magical powers of the ruler, emphasis will be placed on forming relationships with other regional powers that will allow mutual defensive arrangements that make maximum benefit from regional specialised military & magical capabilities.

The Lifeguard. 'Water's wet. The sky is blue. And old Satan Claus Jimmy, he's out there and he's just getting stronger.' "So what do we do about that?" 'Be prepared son, that's my motto. Be prepared.'

This dedicated team will continue to act as the bodyguard for the Rockport royal family. This function will include both investigative and offensive powers. The Lifeguard will be based out of the royal palace.

The Rockport Watch. "What we do in life echoes in eternity." - Roman Proverb.

The Rokcport Watch facecs challenges over the next 12 months as it strives to become a force known for the integrity, honesty and dedication to duty of its members in pursuit of their role as civil guardians of freedom and justice. The Rockport Watch will continue to be responsible for civillian law enforcement authority and emergency services in Rockport. The Watch will be fully amphibious and will have investigative and civil powers. The Watch will be based in Watchhouses throughout Rockport. A class of warriors from all the races of Rockport - Devoted Defenders - to be known as Rockport Guardians will emerge as the pre-eminent member of the Rockport Watch over the next 12 months.

The Hounds of Rockport. "Many evil things there are that your strong walls and bright swords do not stay. But when dark things come from the houseless hills, or creep from sunless woods, they fly from us. What roads would any dare to tread, what safety would there be in quiet lands, or in the homes of simple men at night, if the Dunedain were asleep, or were all gone into grave?" - Lord of the Rings BkII

The Hounds will act as the sovereign's personal investigative & emergency service, with investigative and civil powers. In their role as emissaries of the Rockport sovereign they will contribute to regional and global security.

The Rockport Department of Defence is able to provide more details upon request.


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