Rockport has a fairly rough & ready legal system. The basics of the legal system are Admiralty Law with Universal Sufferage. What is meant by the "Admiralty Law" is that Rockport is treated, legally, as a kind of ship in that Lord Rock (the "captain" of the ship) has absolute authority. Also the legal theory of the Haranlarche Articles of the Sea form a good guide for the basis of Rockport's legal system - with some changes of course "Rockport" substituted for "Haranlarche", and other realm related concepts. The "Universal Sufferage" part refers to the fact that in Rockport women are treated equally under the law as men, with similar rights and repsonsibilities.

Rockport's legal system is administered by the Rockport Watch, approx 1500 town guards (Myrmidon kit) & ex-soldiers of the Rock Legion. The Rockport Watch is charged with the maintenance of good public order and the enforcement of Rockport's laws. The Rockport Watch conduct themselves in a harsh "frontier justice" style, dealing with many matters at the time with the issue of fines, detainment of felons, or the infliction of physical punishment. When a matter is deemed beyond the responsibility of a patrol the matter is taken to the commanding officer who will review the case/issue at hand. When a matter is reviewed by an officer in this way, the procedure is just and fair. "Justice must not only be done, but must also be seen to be done." The advanced proceding can include bail-hearings and the summoning of witnesses. The decisions of the hearings rest upon the adjudicating officers alone, but the reaosns for their decisions are recorded and stored witht he Department of Justice to act as guides and precedents for future decisions.

Punishment for citizens law breakers is often in the form of a fine and good behaviour bond, and all criminal findings is recorded in terms of convictions against the perpetrators. (Although matters dealt with by the Rockport Watch patrols on the street are not recorded.) Whiel extreme punishments are rarely meted out to citizens, transportation is a punishment in Rockport and law-breaking citizens may find their talents employed for 7 to 14 years out in Rockport's new colonies.

The Rockport Watch regulalry trains with outside experts in police/law enforcement/militia duties and skills. The Rockport Watch is considered fully independent of, but sympathetic to, the Rock Legion.

The Rockport Watch is aided in their duties by 2 units (8) of Rockport Guardians. (The number os Rockport Guardians was reduced in 11month 1101 YAC as 12 of the Rockport Guardians were taken off-line by Lord Rock for "reshaping".) Rockport Guardians are animated stone statues. Rockport Guardians are armed with a net-thrower and a bolt-thrower. While non-sentient, they are "programmed" to follow Lawful Good tennents of behaviour and have a knowldge of Rockport's laws.

Representation is done by the Rockport Watch as prosecuting and by the defendant themselves. Should a defendant be incapable of presenting a defence, an officer of the Watch Cohort is appointed to defend them. Citizens of Rockport are allowed to appeal to have the Crown or the appointed representative of the Crown hear their case.

As Rockport develops and grows, laws and precendents will be added to the CODEX LEGIS SAXOPORTEM (Rockport Legal Code).


Worship of Evil Gods.It is considered an offence against the realm to worship evil gods, and/or to participate willingly and with knowledge in evil religious and/or cult activities. Why? Evil is not good, not for the realm and not for it’s people. The clue is in one of Lord Rock’s titles: “Bane of All that is Evil”. Penalty? Death or exile.


Peace-loops.All weapons carried by private (non-on-duty members of military or militia) are required to have "peace-loops". Why? If someone has to undo a "peace-loop" before using their weapon then there is a clear step between carrying a weapon and using a weapon, meaning it can be more clearly ascertained if the use of deadly force was intentional. Plus it is a way of regulating weapon use within Rockport. Peace-loops are produced cheaply and are available for purchase at the entry points of Rockport. If in doubt, ask a member of the Rockport Watch or Rockport Guardian. Penalty? Fine, possibly confiscation of offending weapon.


Devices of Golem Control/Harm.Magical devices that are directly able to control or harm golems are regulated in Rockport. This is because many golems are in fact Rockport citizens and so items that can harm or control them will need some form of government control. It is illegal to own or carry or use one of these items (of golem control/harm) without a permit licence within Rockport. (This includes areas where Rockport law holds sway but are outside La Rochesse island, such as ships.) Permit licences will be granted to citizens or visitors who have a legitimate business or official need to use them. As registration each item will be tagged so any unauthorised use can be traced back to the item. Secret Seal and Tracer spells paid for at time of license purchase by the licence purchaser. (This extra cost will also make them less attractive items. Which is another good way to regulate them.) If the item is stolen from the license holder, they are obliged to inform the Watch as soon as they know it is stolen, and this is assumed to be within a day (24 hours). Penalty? Heavy fine and confiscation of offedning item.


Customs Duty. Required to be paid on all trading goods (ie goods that will be traded) bought into Rockport. Customs Duty is either a flat fee or a percentage of the worth of the goods. Which is to be paid is determined by members of the Rockport Watch after inspection of the goods. The Customs Duty is slightly cheaper for citizens. Why? To ensure no goods harmful to Rockport or its citizens are bought into the realm. To pay for the upkeep of harbours, water-ways & sky-ways of Rockport through which goods arrive. Penatly? Fine, possible confiscation of goods.

Trading Licence. Required for all goods being traded within Rockport. A flat fee is paid for the licence. The licence relates to the trading of goods specified in the licence. Why? To ensure no goods harmful to Rockport or its citizens are traded within the realm. To ensure no illegal goods are traded within Rockport. Penatly? Fine, possible confiscation of goods.


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