In Tenmonth the Assembly of the Free Realms voted on Uniform Golem Laws. Rockport counts several of the Created amongst its population. Lord Rock had the following to say.

Lord Rock, Lord of Cities, Lord of the Legion, Elemental Champion; Defender of the Oppressed; Elf-Friend; Dwarf-Friend; Demonslayer; Bane of all that is Evil:

“We should be aware of what the Uniform Golem Laws propose to do. They will make the Created everywhere, regardless of what type of Created, into property. They will have no rights, as deserving of respect, freedom and justice as a simple piece of stone. The decisions we make NOW reach into the future, and so we must be aware of the gravity of the situation.

“The Created are animations. Do we deny that? No. But how is this relevant? We too are animations, just animations of a different type. Anyone examining the Created can continually reminded us that the Created are built by a other beings. We cannot deny that fact. But again how is it relevant? Does construction imply ownership? Children are created from their parents. Are they property? No. Do we pass laws here that make children into slaves?

“We have a chance in this assembly to severely limit the boundaries of freedom, so we had best be sure about the issue. What is required for sentience? Intelligence, self awareness, consciousness. Very well, what is intelligence? It is the ability to learn and understand, and to cope with new situations. What about self awareness? What does that mean? Why am I or any of us self aware? Because we are conscious of our existence and actions. We are aware of ourselves and our own egos. So too can the Created. The Created are built and then later used. Why? As replacements for others. With our frailties we are limited, but golems are built because they are relatively tireless, and more resistant to harm. The same could be said of a well-disciplined well-armoured warrior. Does that make them expendable and therefore without rights? Without sentience?

“One of the Created is a curiosity, a wonder, but thousands of them, doesn’t that constitute a race? We are going to be judged by how we as an assembly treat these creations. If they’re expendable, disposable, aren't we? What if the Created can meet the third criteria for sentience, consciousness? This will mean some of the Created meet all three of the criteria for sentience. Won't this then make the Created sentient, and hence new life?

“The rulings we come to in this assembly will either grant the Created freedom or condemn the Created to slavery. Is that what the Free Realms are about, condemning races and peoples to slavery? I don’t think so. Are the Created animations? Absolutely. Are they property? No. Can we turn them into a race of slaves and still be proud of our name “the Free Realms”? No.

“Rockport does NOT now, and will not ever, condemn sentient beings to slavery. We oppose the “universal golem laws” and view these laws as little more than legalised slavery.”

For the history books, the “Motion To Agree Uniform Golem Laws” was DEFEATED in a vote of the Free Realms in 10 month.

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