Click to Lyle Lovett.
The melodies, the good-sounding tunes, sometimes they're what we listen to music for. But some of the other time, we listen to the music because we're seeking something we both have in common. I mean, between the listeners and the artists. For instance, the anti-modernazation sentiment, the wander-lust, the thirst for freedom or the wishes for living the life we've been dreaming of...
   Lyle Lovett and Robert Earl Keen sure ain't no big stars. But Their music constantly reflects my truest feelings for an ideal living. To me they are more like a couple of neighbors that used to sit and sing on the front porch (I've never been living in a house with a front porch...sooner or later...) in their underwear on sunday mornings.
  The world nowadays is such a tin-can valley that's been fed up with disharmonise. It's not that easy to find the music of your own. But fortunate enough, in these two fellow Texans, I found mine.
Click to Robert Earl Keen.
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