A little about me

As a little girl I never really played with toys. Instead, I made my own. I had papers and glue sticks and markers and repurposed cardboard filling all of the drawers in my room. To most people these piles probably seemed like a big mess, but to me I saw projects and possibility. My projects were beautiful and exciitng.

As I got older I learned how to channel my creativity. I learned to express myself in theater and in art class. I learned that sometimes less is more. As an adult I have continued to learn new ways to express myself by taking photography and graphic design classes. In 2014, after having my second baby and putting my husband through grad school, I realized it was finally time to persue my dreams. I began taking graphic design classes at Southern New Hampshire University. Having the flexability of online learning was exactly what my young family needed. I speant all of undergrad claiming I was a "nap-time student" because with four little tornados at home, nothing ever gets done when they are awake! I love that my job is something I love to do that also allows me to be present in the lives of my kids.

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