Kiwanis Club of Spanish Town

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The Kiwanis Club of Spanish Town began and has remained a group of distinguished gentlemen since 1974, giving altruistic service to Spanish Town and its environs.  It began with a complement of 24 members led by noted banker, Mr. Aubrey Massias, and eventually was incorporated as a company under the Companies Act of Jamaica, limited by the guarantee of its members. It remains so to this day.

The club prides itself on the wide scope of its membership, including bankers, lawyers, accountants, teachers, building and haulage contractors, businessmen, pharmacists, managers… you name it. The club likes to boast that for any project or undertaking, the full range of necessary expertise exists within the club.  As result, the club has achieved many things in the 33 years of its existence. Many basic schools have been constructed or refurbished, homes built for the indigent, and so on. The scope and complexity of these projects are too numerous to mention in a comprehensive way.

The club has had many meeting places, but has stayed true to its Spanish Town roots. The members of the club first met at The Caymans Golf and Country Club.  Subsequent meeting places were: Herbie’s Restaurant, St. Catherine High School, the Ferry Inn, Spanish Town Shopping Centre, St. Jago Health Centre, and our current meeting place, Arian’s Restaurant.

Members of the club are leaders in the community. Dr. Raymoth Notice, a past president of the club and a former Mayor of Spanish Town and chairman of the St. Catherine Parish Council, continues to provide free medical healthcare to members of the community. Other less prominent but equally dedicated members of our club served or continue to serve on the Parish Development Committee; other civic organisations e.g. citizens associations; church outreach groups; church councils; school boards; etc.

A cursory tour Spanish Town will reveal the effect and impact that the club has had. Identifiable signs show the several renovation projects that have been done to many basic schools, the renovation work done to the Emancipation square, and the pharmacy at the Spanish Town Hospital that was originally built as an operating theatre.  Enquiries at various communities will reveal non-structural benefits derived by community members e.g. medical assistance, feeding programs, educational assistance, mentorship programs, scholarship grants, etc.

The traditions of the club are legendary.  It has often been said the members of the club would still be friends, even if they did not meet as Kiwanians, simply because of a natural synergy that bonds.  Older members of the club would remember the Saturday tradition of soup and dominoes at different members’ homes, the fishing trips.  More recently, we have regular domino sessions that are arranged on a regular basis with results published online to the dismay of some.  The club prides itself on creating at every project, meeting, or other event, an opportunity for its members to socialize.  The adage “good fun while we work” therefore takes on a real meaning.

The Kiwanis Club of Spanish Town is the pride of Divison 23 West when it comes to camaraderie, and the fostering of social, business and professional relationships.

Like any other organisation, the club has had to weather the vicissitudes of the changing political, social and economic environment in Jamaica over the years. Not long after its inception, the club had to deal with the migration of several of its members during the late 1970s.  In later years, we grappled with the handicaps of fundraising with the decline in business in Spanish Town and its environs and an increasing social need that was created by the establishment of formal and informal communities.  The club has had to deal with violence and actually lost one of our senior members, past president Clovis Walters under tragic circumstances.

However, despite the challenges, the Kiwanis Club of Spanish Town has managed to do exceptional work and completed many projects for the betterment of the communities in and around Spanish Town, benefiting the elderly, the indigent and our children.

The Kiwanis Club of Spanish Town views our past with pride.  We are looking to the future with a profound sense of hope and purposeful interventions, meeting the many challenges steadfastly and fearlessly.

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Earlier News Release:


In 1974, a group of distinguished gentlemen, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, chartered the Kiwanis Club of Spanish Town.  They were the members of the Kiwanis Clubs of Kingston and Portmore.

This momentous event came as a light of hope to the poor and less fortunate citizens in and around the environs of Spanish Town as we sought to take them from the quicksand of poverty to a place on the rock of survivorship.

Membership is cultivated on the high plains of dignity and discipline.  We started with 26 devoted members and with the common objective of making a positive difference in our “home town”.

In addition to community service, we aim to bring fulfilment in our membership by promoting fellowship into a symphony of brotherhood.

Like any other group, we have had our difficulties.  Despite these however, our heights of loyalty and commitment have enabled us to make significant contributions to the development of the Spanish Town community.  This is highlighted by our contribution in areas such as: Education, Youth Development, assistance to the elderly and indigent, assistance to the providers of health care such as the Spanish Town Hospital and Health Clinics, as well as numerous other community service projects.

Our contribution to the extension of the Kiwanis family is identified through our sponsorship of the Kiwanis Clubs of Linstead and The First City, as well as nine sponsored Youth Clubs at the Primary and High School levels.

Our projects are achieved through numerous fund-raising activities. These are complemented by sponsorship from the business community as well as contributions from club members and their families.  The club’s true potential is maximized through our method of identifying the interest and special skills of our members after which they are assigned to the related committees and projects in accordance to the club’s objectives.

Our wish is to convince the more fortunate citizens of this country that through Community Service, we can reverse the social inequality which now exists and assist in developing a better nation.  We believe that “true community development is not simply the process of rebuilding the physical infrastructure of our neighbourhoods.  It is, fundamentally, about the vision, energy and aspirations of people who live and work in our neighbourhoods”.

The Kiwanis’ objective is to assist these people to achieve their aspirations.  We feel a sense of pride and satisfaction in our accomplishments.  However, we are cognizant of the challenges ahead and are resolute in our commitment to continue to serve our fellow citizens.


Our Past Presidents - Club Information - Activities Calendar - News - Photos  - Committees - LGs of Division 23W

Birthdays & Anniversaries - Aims & Objects/Code of Ethics - Club Bulletin - Sponsored Youth Programs

Kiwanis Family Links - Club History - Membership Interest - Club Locator - Community Links - Domino Results

Jamaican High Schools

Copyright © 2002 Kiwanis Club of Spanish Town
Last modified: 11/03/08
Website designed and maintained by DP Roosevelt Gillett-Chambers
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