The Kippelman / Kipilman Family
                   From Kolki

This photo was taken in Kolki in 1934/5. A copy of the photo was in the possession of the Kippelman family. Based on the names provided by another person researching her Kolki ancestry, there are no Kippelman family members in the photo. Apparently the picture was distributed to people in the US who were from Kolki in an effort to raise money for the Jewish community there. Click here to see the photo in its original context.

The photo was published in The Forward on February 17th, 1935. The description read: "The elders..." with names like Yankev [son of] Avrom Leyb's and Elye the Small One, including the rabbi and cantor (front), only let themselves be photographed so that the American 'landslayt' (one (rear) is visiting) can see how they look.

Kolki_photo_with_notes.JPG (266865 bytes)

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