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Otati Standards
Otati standard Andalusian Otati
Saboni otait Mehalawi Otati Mehalawi Otati
Otati Standards

Head: 15% medium to large size. Arching from the base of the back of the skull to the end of the beak, presenting near round to oval compacted head. Showing no bumps and no flatness. The frontal must be broad full and round, carrying right down to its junction with the wattle as much of the width between the eyes as possible.

Beak and beak settings: 15% Short to medium length, stout and strong with substance and blunt at the tip. The under mandible is equal in strength to the upper and fitting tightly. The beak should be slightly down faced; showing no gaps as it meets the frontal.

Wattle: 5% medium size with slight coarseness increasing by age, blending the beak to the frontal smoothly. It is less notable in females.

Eye and Eye cere: 10% Large, wide and alert eyes with pearl to light red lining surrounding the pupil. Deep brown eyes are also noted. The eye cere is fine in texture and circular in shape.

Neck: 5% moderately stout with short to medium length blending with a long concave back and a broad chest.

Flights and tail: 10% folding Compactly and resting on the tail. Wing tips must be shorter than the tail and close to each other.

Legs and feet: 5% Legs strong with short to medium length free from feathers below the hock. Toes are large and well spread apart with bright red colors.

Appearance: 15% strong skeleton and muscular chest. The back is broad and steep (concave), showing no humps. Their average length is12 inches from front of breast to tip of tail.

Stance: 10% Horizontal station. The shank forms an obtuse angle as it meets with the hock, thus showing the alertness of the bird.

Colors: 10% the group has three shades of colors complementing the platinum color of the neck.

Mahalawy: dark indigo body. The lacing marking is notable at a close up.

Andalusian: The most common color of this group, which is lighter than the indigo group. The lacing is prominent and strong.

Saboni: The lightest of this group. A powder blue with faded lacing marking contrast against a lighter rich platinum neck.

The mating of any of the above groups will produce up to 25% dark indigo without any neck markings; however when mated to other colors in the group will still produce the basic Otati colors.

Undesirable traits:
Loose feathers, which might be evidenced by permanent droopy wings and fluffed feathers. Mousy beaks. Steep dip or gap between the frontal and the beak. Non-conforming colors. Long legs or too high of a station.


any obvious cross breeding as indicated by unusual head shape, presence of crest or frill and odd color.

Translated from the book of standards 1996. ISBN 977-19-0924. Prepared for publication by Mohamed Gab Allah
Drawing by Dr Mohamed Khater
Other books used; the pigeon, by Levi
The international pigeon standards. 15th edition

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