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About Us
We are multitalented breed with a class! We are the Egyptian Swifts. The truth is, it's something about this breed that have evoked my inner thoughts to create this page. Those who know me are aware that I am not fond of sedentary jobs. As a Clinical Scientist with specialty in Microbiology, I was limited in my computer skills to job related programs and other life essentials. Because I didn't want to be restricted to a server template to build a web page, I decided to go back to school to learn about HTML programing and computer graphics. It took me near a year and lots of patience to learn what is needed to built a well deserving page for the breed. I signed up for night classes after work for up to four times a week at the local College to learn the intricate of web design.
While I initially didn't mind paying the $2500 for what I was asked to build and maintain a highly rated site, I found out in a hurry that my words were falling on deaf ears. Building a site for birds? mind you when I said that the bird is a pigeon. What Sir? Yes Pigeons, as I continued to explain in a thin air.
Another important aspect is photography. Those who are familiar with the breed know that it is impossible to make them relax in one position for any length of time. With both Conventional and Digital Camera, I was able to shoot the entire pictures that you are viewing on the site in the past four years. I shot so many, but only settled for handful.
The rest of the story was heard before. We all have learned about Pigeons when we were young from some freak mentor.
Now we have become wiser and ready to pass the seed of knowledge to a younger generation.
We appreciate your comments and thank you for visiting.

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