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Orcas, commonly known as "Killer Whales, are the largest member in the dolphin family.  They have distinctive black and white markings, and live in pods (families) ranging from 3 to 50 in number.  Male orcas have been known to live into their 40s, possibly to 50 or 60 years old.  Females have a life span of 60-80 years.

There are three groups of orcas - resident, transient, and offshore.  These groups are defined by their behaviors, appearance, food preference, and dialects.  Little is known about the off-shore orcas, because they are hard to track.  These groups rarely mingle with one another, even though they have been sighted near one another. Physical characteristics of orcas differ depending on their sex.  One difference can be noted when comparing the dorsal fin on both male and female.

Female  SwimmingPairCalf
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Created by Erin Morley ~ 4/18/2016
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