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Vignetting - What is it ?

Do your pictures have unusually dark corners ?

Perhaps you are suffering from vignetting ...¨HUH ??¨ What is that you ask.

The dictionary says vignetting is ¨a photograph whose edges shade off gradually¨
In photographic terms , we call this ¨light fall-off¨, as there is less light reaching the edges , and especially the corners of the frame.

OK , so our photographs shade off gradually , so whats the big deal.
Well , none if thats what we are wanting , in fact , some deliberately alter picture in the darkroom to cause some sort of vignetting effect.

Take a look at the picture below.
Some would say thats its an OK sort of pik , but look at the dark corners for a few moments , starting to get annoying aren't they ?

vignette example Kiev60

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