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Hello to all and a very big welcome to the Kiev60SLR website.

It is here that we publish information about the Soviet made Kiev60 camera.
All information here has been verified through repeatable tests , most of which I show you on the following diy and help pages.
At Kiev60SLR we have just finished a HUGE rewrite of the website totaling at least 100 hours of work. UGG.
When I initally set up the site I honestly didn't expect it to get so big and so hard to look after , it really was a tough lesson in doing things the right way from the start.
I was doing a little look at the sites statistics the other day and my focus was brought to the large percentage of visitors from countries that don't have easy access to broadband internet as yet.
In fact ,, I would estimate that perhaps only about 20% of my visitors in the last 2 months have high speed access.
Also I must admit that when writing this site I didn't realize that the images were SOO big and that pages would load at such a slow rate on dial-up.
So to provide a better website for the majority I have rewritten it with smaller images and in a cleaner browser friendly HTML.
I have not seen it done before but what I have done here is linked my images to larger stored ones.
So if when looking at a page and you see a picture that you would like a clearer view , just click on it and if a bigger pik is available it will open up to full size.
If you don't need a detailed view .. don't click , its simple , this way you get fast loading pages when your searching and detailed views when you really need them.
Its the best of both worlds ...

So that's what has been happening around here for the last few weeks and I got to say , my eyes are square form looking at the monitor so much recently .:-) so the next month or so is going to be some rest and relaxation time for me and of course time to do lots of photography with the Kiev.
Unlike some other web site authors , I actually own and use my Kiev60 on a regular basis so I can write from ongoing first hand experience.
Because of this I am very pleased to say that Kiev60SLR is the ONLY Kiev60 website of its type that is actively updated and added to.

Perhaps this coming year I will need to move the site up onto a much larger capacity web site server.
The site has grown to such a size that this free hosting on Geocities has reached its limit of page capacity and supply.
Unfortunately moving to a new host is not free , in fact the charges for a good service is considerable and although I would really like to keep the Kiev60SLR website a free site and not a subscription service I don't see it is possible to do so without help.
I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to support the website through a money donation.
Details on how to do this can be found elsewhere on the site and a HUGE THANK YOU goes out to the ones that have already donated.
It doesn't matter how big or small the amount , it is all truly appreciated and used towards keeping this site alive.

As 2005 is now heading to it's close we are now making plans for 2006 and what we can do to add to this site.
During 2006 we will have lots of DIY and HELP articles of course and some other goodies.
Articles such as ...

- Replacing your back door light seals on a budget.
- Recalibrating your TTL prism meter precisely.
- How and when to use filters.
- How to do a CLA on your body (clean,lube,adjust).
- Check your shutter speed accuracy with a home made speed tester.
- Do you really need MLU (mirror lock up article with tests + PROOF).
- An simple alternative to the MLU device.
- Fix a stuck iris on a 80mm Vega Lens.
- What sort of tripod is suitable for the Kiev60 ?
- Home black and white processing and printing.
and more .....

All of these articles will be presented in the same , simple to read format as is on the site now.

So these are the project goals for the coming year and as you can see there is a lot of cool things coming to the site.
Kiev60SLR is here to stay and we look forward to bringing more easy to follow help home to you wherever you are in this wide world.
Stay tuned for regular site updates.

Moi !

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