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Troubles fitting Zeiss lenses to the Kiev60

One common trouble that a Kiev60 may run into is when trying to fit Carl Zeiss Jena (CZJ) lenses to their Kiev60 camera.

The CZJ lenses come with the P6 (pentacon six) mount as does the Kiev60 so why won't they mount up properly?

First one must recognise that the Kiev factory was under no obligation to make a P6 mount that was perfectly compatible with the German made Zeiss lenses.
They only needed to fit their own soviet glass , so thats exactly what they did.

If when trying to fit a Zeiss lens you find that the locking ring won't rotate far and bear down on the lens tab correctly then what is shown on these pages is likely to be the problem.

To start ...

Remove the tiny black screw on the lock ring of the camera and then unscrew the locking ring off the body.
Place your lens down onto the mount as shown in this picture and look closely at the area where the tab is.

Top view of the Kiev60 lens mount

Here you can see that there is a gap between the flange on the lens and the mount surface.
The gap in this case was about 0.75 mm but your clearance may be more or less.

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