
Various activities have been organized by the International. Important objectives of these activities among others is to: -

  • To increase knowledge
  • See the outside world closer
  • Test the mental and physical power
  • Build societal values worthwhile

From the little ones who dream of Superman, the great dream of Clay, the morning silence screams split the driving clock, the screams of Supervisors, and the musicality of the verses of the holy Al-Quran Mosque near Kulim. After waking from a dream hammock at 5.30 am, residents will best prepare for the dawn prayer. With session of melodious muezzin's voice much, start praying Fajr led by one of the residents.

Completed the dawn prayer and accompanied by prayer after the dawn of the auspicious, the residents who went to school in the morning will keep going back to their rooms to get ready for school. With the knowledge, discipline, and the spirit of helping the inmates, no matter who still runny or not, prepare yourself from head to toe will move neatly. This is the result of absorption of the values that have been inculcated from day one foot planted on the Earth International

Other Activity

  • Demontration F1
  • Motivation 2-Sik
  • A visit to Johor
  • Kenang Jasa 2005
  • Mentor Mentee 2005
  • Teluk Senangin