Welcome to MikeROKOSMOS

Bubbles: The First One To Watch (of Mike's) from Michael L Miller on Vimeo.

Lakeside Park Giant Bubble Party from Michael L Miller on Vimeo.

NEW: Click here to check out my Facebook profile-- the most up-to-the-minute thing you'll find here! Woohoo!

NEWER: Click here to check out a song I recorded like 10 years ago. It's a BIG file so don't bother if your connection is slow...It's a rough mix of a wacky little song called 'Julio.' I play two guitars and 'sing' while Mike Revell plays drums, bass and midi-guitar and also mans the analog four-track cassette Let me know what you think!

NEWEST: Hike anyone? I hike almost every weekend and I post the schedule and pics in the Bay Area Hiking tribe on tribe.net. It's always a very nice, relaxed group--once in a while its a very nice, relaxed group of one, which is fine, too.YOU SHOULD COME JOIN US!

What's inside? :

Not one but TWO Arty Experimental Pages. a show of hand...?

Please note: All links originating from images within these two pages ('arty' and 'experimental,' above) will take you out of my site and into the genius of SOMEONE ELSE--so if something beyond these so-called 'arty' pages impresses you, you'll need to be impressed with that person, not me.

A Brief Illustrated Discussion of Zurich DADA!

A worthy pastime described on what was once the STORIES PAGE!

A Haphazard Photo Gallery


World War II Submarine?

Believe it or not, Mike used to work there (more soon).

Photo fromthe magnificent BUBBLE THING site. Check it out!

Click below for the page in memory of my mom.

Who is this Mikey person?(click here or the picture to find out)

Coming soon:
Hidden Links to Fascinating Fun

Darting for fun and fundraising

For now, I offer a few more nifty links:

A Great Online HTML tutorial

Or, to link to my original online HTML source through the first version of this page
(which it enabled me to create from scratch after only about two hours of studying, circa 7/2/2000),
click here
No classes, no tests, ALL FREE!!
Won't you join me in catching up with Y2K technology?
An Excellent San Francisco One Man Band


???Cinematic Masterpiece involving Remarkable Rodents and Mysterious Shrubbery #1???

???Cinematic Masterpiece involving Remarkable Rodents and Mysterious Shrubbery #2???
???Card trick that drove me crazy and then left me feeling dumb.???

Okay...Someone explained this to me. It's so obvious how they do it, but quite ingenious really, too. Thanks to my friend Michael for clueing me in. Smart feller, that one. Do you get it?

While I have your attention, if you've never taken a close look at the pictures Voyager took of our planetary neighbors, I HIGHLY recommend checking out this gorgeous, gorgeous Voyager site at NASA.

As of today this site's average update rate is twice a decade...just so's you know

Comments? Complaints? Recipes? Pets? Please E-MAIL ME!

[email protected]

Attention!: The creator of this website neither condones nor fully understands the process of transferring pets by e-mail. Any such transfer attempt is undertaken at the pet owners' own risk, i.e. please don't, guys. That is all.
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