This episode begins with Ryoko drifting among the remains of Ryo-Oh. As she's sitting there Ryo-Ohki floats by. She teleports to the ship where she tells Ayeka and the others that Tenchi is dead. They use Ryo-Ohki and punch through Soja's shield.

In the next scene Sasami is seen running through a forest. She stops in front of a large tree. She begins chanting a spell and disappears into the tree. As the camera pulls away there is a glowing orb. When the camera gets closer it is Azaka and Kamidake forming a shield around Tenchi keeping him alive. Unfortunately, Tenchi's legs were obliterated during the destruction of Ryu-Oh. If you look closely at the shield around Tenchi you'll notice that there isn't enough room for his legs. A strange woman appears and looks into the shield. She then enters his body and the whole thing disappears.

Once aboard they easily find Kagato who leads them to him. Mihoshi naturally gets lost and ends up as a reflection in the floor. Ryoko and Ayeka find Kagato in his cathedral. Ayeka charges Kagato but is blocked by the shield around the cathedral. While Kagato is dealing with Ayeka Ryoko teleports behind him and stabs him through the chest. He disappears and she realizes that it was his shadow. Kagato turns Ryoko to stone then begins to extract the secrets of Jurai from Ayeka.

Mihoshi is wandering around the other part of the ship when she walks into a room and activates a trap. Two huge cobras attack her and she blasts them with her gun. While the cobras are recovering from being encased in ice small cracks begin to appear on a seal behind Mihoshi. Encased in this seal is a red haired woman in a giant crystal. The snakes continue to attack her until the seal finally breaks and the snakes are frozen in place. The red haired woman shatters the two snakes and introduces herself as Washu. Washu pulls Ryoko, who is turned to stone out of the ground and turns her back to flesh. Washu tells Ryoko and Mihoshi that she created Ryo-Ohki, The Soja, and used her ova to make Ryoko which makes her more Ryoko's mother rather than her creator. She tells Ryoko that she knows everything that she knows including how she feels about Tenchi because they are linked telepathically. Ryoko teleports back to the other side of the ship to go avenge Tenchi. Washu desperately tries to explain why they can't get back to the other side of the ship but she doesn't get it (As usual).
The next scene is inside a ship of Jurai. Tenchi is there with a strange girl that tells him that she is Tsunami the flagship of Jurai. Tenchi's body has been completely regenerated and is glowing. The sign of the lighthawk wings is visible on his forehead. She tells him that the owner of the ship is Sasami, and that she can't accompany him when he goes to Soja to fight Kagato.

Ayeka is floating in a blackness when she is approached by her long lost Yosho who asks her to share the secrets of Tsunami. After realizing that it is not Yosho she refuses to help him and he begins to unravel her body. Suddenly the scene ends as Kagato is expelled from Ayeka's mind. Ryoko shows up and a battle begins between them. As the battle is happening, Washu who has made detailed diagrams in an attempt to explain to Mihoshi why they can't return to the other side of the ship. Mihoshi still doesn't get it. Washu and Mihoshi begin watching the battle between Kagato and Ryoko, but Washu can't figure out why Ryoko isn't using her full power. After a short time she realizes that if she did she'd kill Ayeka, which goes to show that she really doesn't hate her. Washu pulls Ayeka to the mirror realm to protect her from Kagato who won't follow her there. As revenge Kagato points his ship at Earth and fires another blast that destroyed Ryu-Oh. Just before the blast hits Earth a large Jurian ship which absorbs the blast. The ship disappears and reappears in front of Soja and released a volley of missiles that hit Soja. This ship is identified as Tsunami the most powerful ship that Jurai has.

Kagato invites the ship to come to him. Ryoko tries to fight Kagato again but falls to the ground as Soja begins to drain the power from the gems from her. Ryoko begins to die from this. Kagato picks up Ryoko and begins to taunt her. Just then his hand is sliced off and Tenchi is standing there. Tenchi begins to fight Kagato but he is too powerful for him. Kagato begins to use the gems that he created for Soja to absorb Tsunami. Tenchi regretfully says that he's sorry for failing in his mission. Tsunami tells him that the power to defeat Kagato lies within him.

Tenchi suddenly stand up which catches Kagato's attention. He tosses the sword aside and Kagato laughs that he's given up. He turns and gives him a good bye line. He blasts and the explosion engulfs Tenchi. After the smoke clears Tenchi is still standing there surrounded by three curved beams of light which protected him from the blast. Two of them form armor for him and the third form a sword. These are the Lighthawk wings. Tenchi deflects another laser fired by Kagato with his last Lighthawk wing. Kagato send out a series of crystals which are quickly destroyed by Tenchi. As the smoke clears Tenchi sees Kagato charging him and he does on of those dramatic slashes that you can see in any good anime. The wound inflicted by Kagato on Tenchi's armor quickly loses. And Kagato fades out of existence.

After the battle Ryoko decides that she will be the first to hug Tenchi. Just then the others that were trapped on the other side reappear. Ryoko quickly trips Ayeka and Mihoshi. When she turns to face Tenchi she sees that Ryo-Ohki has already beaten her to Tenchi. She grabs her and yells at her. She turns again to hug Tenchi but Washu is already there and asks if Tenchi would like to be a guinea pig for her experiments. She pulls Washu aside and turns again to hug Tenchi but Sasami is already there. Next everyone but Ryoko is hugging Tenchi. When suddenly there is a loud crash. Tenchi hit Kagato with so much power that he not only split Kagato in half but the entire ship. Everyone escapes while Soja explodes.
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We Need Tenchi
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