Washu's Secret Files
I dunno why I added this page,just a whim I suppose.Also the new contract agreement requires me to give every Guy Around the Office at least two jobs,this is Mihoshi and Sasami's job,none of them do their job but there you go.This is all info answering questions asked sice the dawn of Tenchi,lets start with...
Where did the floating spring come from?          
The spring is called an Onsen, Ryoko made it.Ryoko can make anything from thin air as long as a blue print exists.(I didn't know about it either)She made it in Episode 4 and she decided to keep it.There are two doors on the Onsen,one marked "Girls" the other marked "Tenchi".
Are Jurai ships really made of wood?
Yes,Jurai ships are carved from Juraien trees,however they have an extra shield outside the ship as armour.
Why does Ryoko have an earing in her left ear ?
When Ryoko was trapped,all her gems had been removed,however she can make new one,but it takes a lot of time.After creating another gem,the one she fought Tenchi with in episode 1 of the OAV,she began making a second,this was the earing,it wasn't completed but she liked it and so wore it as an earing
What is the source of the gems' power ?
After I had my goddess powers taken from me,they were placed inside the gems,I can't use them,that why I created Ryoko
So why can't Ryoko use her full power ?
Ryoko is to young to use her full power,she will be able to use her complete powers when she grows into her perfect body.
When will another series/season of Tenchi be shown ?
Pioneer announced another series of Teenchi Muyo! in March,it'll be in Japan next year,America in two years and only Tsunami knows when for Britain.
How did Sasami know Tenchi was in danger in OVA Episode 6 ?
Tsunami told her,Tenchi's master key passed the information to Tsunami,the spell she used made her be absorbed into Funaho who is linked to all the tree's of Jurai
Why does Ryo-Ohki love carrots so much?
Unlike Ryoko (who just eats to be sociable) Ryo-Ohki has a sense of taste,she thinks carrots are wonderful and could eat as many as she likes and never gets full
Why does Ryo-Ohki change into animal form?
Tenchi found Chibi (the cat in th first OVA episode and the last Universe episode)on the first day of his summer vacation (before the first episode begins) lying near the steps of the shrine nearly dead.He nursed it back to health bt it was Ryoko's energy who saved the cat.When she was revived she was forced to take the energy back from  Chibi to fully recover (Thats why she has the cats bell) She didn't kill the cat but instead assimilated it into the second generation Ryo-Ohki,thats why Ryo-Ohki looks and acts like a cat in episode 3.
Why does Tenchi's father and Grandfather loo similar ?
Over the 700 years Yosho/Katsuhito has lived on Earth he is bound to have had more than 1 wife,Nobuyuki has some of Yosho's blood in him,even if it isn't much
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