The guys around the office
When I first took over the site I planned to fire Ken-Ohkis bunch of slackers but his crappy negotiating skills means they are here to stay.Well here is the first one,she is called Tubbs, if your not familiar with "The League of Gentelmen" comedy series you won't know what I'm on about.Unfortunatly all the emploees went on strike 'cos they weren't getting any credit for what the were doing,the new contract agreement requires me to add a few pages giving them credit,so here it is.The site where Tubbs came from requires me to put a link for it for some reason,here it is ....
Kirie-Ohkis Lil' Patch O' Cabbits
Tubb's job is to sit in the office,eat the supply of carrots and basically look cute to make all our live less stressful each time we go "awww"
This girl needs no introduction admired by millons the world over,star of movies comics and TV programs and,thankfully, the site I got her from didn't request a link.........

But here it is anyway 
Sailor Stars Sailor Moon Collection

Ladies and Germs I give you SAILOR MOON (joy)
Sailor Moon has a tendancy to be late,unfortunatly the new contract state that I can't fire her unless she seriously injures someone or something.Her job is to assemble pictures and info etc.But she prefers to dress up as an angel,sit on cotten wool and pose,we don't know why.

And we are all a bit worried about her.
Running a site with such a large Tenchi section in it,it would be pretty stupid not haveing a TALKING member of the Masaki household here to help me with all the stuff like the biographies and stuff.So the third kid I employed was .....Sasami and Mihoshi (I couldn't decide on which one,and okay if the webmaster of the site is looking at this I couldn't upload the picture of Mihoshi into the web builders database.).You should be getting used to this by now,heres the link   Washyuu's Anime Nexus
The job of these two is to provide me with the information for the  "Washu's Secret Files" Page.Mihoshi,though spends all her time sleeping and talking to Sailor Moon,they are seem to have a LOT in commen i.e sleeping,being late and Sasami,works well,but she spends a lot of time in the canteen giving the cooks a hard time about spices or something.
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