Sasami and Tsunami

The 9th episode of the OAV tells the past of Sasami. It begins when Tenchi the others return to the vacation spot the they went to in episode 4. Remember the one that Ryoko and Ayeka destroyed? When they arrive they are put to work by the old woman who owns the place. That is everyone except the children Sasami and Washu.

During the night while everyone is doing their chores, A mysterious figure appears and disappears. While Ryoko, Ayeka, Mihoshi, and Tenchi are discussing what they saw in the kitchen, a mysterious fog begins to form. Tenchi's grandfather appears in the background and tells them a tale about a couple in love and the woman is dying. The woman died and is in search of her lover. At that moment the old woman, who is wondering why nobody is working, barges in and reveals that Tenchi's grandfather made it up.
That night while Tenchi is working on the lights, he gets tapped on the shoulder by a ghostly hand. He ends up in the hot springs with the girls. While he's telling them about what he just saw Mihoshi asks if it looked like that thing standing on the edge of the pool. When they all look up there is a glowing person standing there. At that moment Tenchi's father gets the lights going and they find its Sasami. Then suddenly Mihoshi notices that Sasami's reflection is not hers. Its Tsunami's. Sasami runs away, Tenchi's father gets electrocuted, and the lights go out.

Everyone begins searching for Sasami. Ayeka finds her first. Then Tenchi comes up behind her and is pulled behind a bush. Washu is there with Mihoshi and Ryoko tied up. Washu and Tenchi watch as Sasami tells Ayeka that she's not the real Sasami.

During a flashback of Ryoko's attack on Jurai, Sasami is a little girl and is in the Royal nursery where hundreds of trees of Jurai are being grown. While crossing a catwalk a Jurian battleship crashes into the building that she's in. The impact knocks her off the catwalk and she falls to the floor below.
Next Sasami is seen lying of the bottom of the chasm in a pool of her own blood. Some of the blood flows into a nearby pool of water which is feeding a tree. Tsunami senses the dying little girl and appears. Sasami's body disappears and the reflection on Tsunami changes to that of Sasami and the triangular marks appear on Sasami's forehead.

Back to the present time Sasami tells her sister that Sasami died that day. Ayeka tells her that they love each other and that all that really matters. Suddenly Tenchi is thrown from his hiding place. He tells Sasami that he still loves her too. And they both comfort the scared little girl. Sasami runs towards her sister, runs right past him and hugs Tenchi.

Later that night during the celebrations of the reopening of the hot spring, Tsunami appears to Ayeka and Tenchi and tells them that Sasami is not dead, she's just become one with her. She tells them that one day when Sasami is old enough she will meld with Tsunami and live on. Later Ayeka is drinking saki and Ryoko comes up to her. Ryoko asks her what's wrong. Ayeka tells her that Sasami is Tsunami and when she grows up they'll be exactly alike. Tsunami appears and tells them that Sasami will still remember her life as Sasami buy they tell her that that's not what they're worried about. Tsunami is confused and they tell her that they hadn't considered her a rival for Tenchi.
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