Think Fast, Act Quickly, Look Sharp

 Website Projects
     • HelloCorp MSN Tech Hub
     • HelloCorp AOL Customer Care Enclave
     • PSS Customer Central
     • Dream Shake - The Olajuwon Tribute

 Personal Profile

     • IM Eeyore!
     • What Tiggers Do Best
     • The Tao of Pooh
     • The Te of Piglet
     • The Way Things Are

 Favorite Sites On the Web

     • Web Design
     • Flashed!
     • Ultradev

> Nothing About Me
My Resume:
Me on paper: a press release of myself.
> All This Time
Every breath I take:
Stories of a vagabond
> Desert Rose
What I still have to find. What I need and what I want
> The Munificent 7
Where I draw my strength.


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