There is only one way to win... Can you find it?

by Ken Samuel

This is my third choose-your-own-adventure story.

You have blasted off in a space ship, and now you're wondering where to go.

Go to Mars
Go to Venus
Go back to Earth

You are getting close to Venus, when you notice that you're running out of fuel. You ought to land, but if you want, you can still go to Mercury.

Go to Mercury

You try to get your space ship back, but they won't let you have it. Instead, they say, "Gloobel."

Say, "gloobel"
Continue trying to get your space ship back

You crash!!! Everything is in chaos for a while. When everything stops, you are lying down with your eyes closed.

Open your eyes

You find yourself in a misty room inside the Sun. There are three doors.

Enter the left door
Enter the right door
Enter the door behind you

You say, "Hi." The animal answers, "ROAR!" Then it kills you.

The End
Start over

You are in a green-colored room. A spooky person is here. He has something written on him, and he is whispering something. It's not too late to go back through the door in which you came.

Go back through the door
Read the person
Listen to the person

You sink and suffer a very slow death.

The End
Start over

You jump into the lake. The water is cool and refreshing. Diving down underwater, you find a phaser gun at the bottom of the lake.

Take the gun
Get out of the water and go to the cave

As you approach the Sun, the temperature gets hotter, hotter, and hotter! All of a sudden it gets very cold! You land the spaceship. You can see a door on the surface of the Sun.

Blast off and go to Mercury
Enter the door

You wait. Nothing seems to be happening.

Blast off
Get out of the spaceship
Wait a little longer

You fire the gun. Everything starts going wacky. You have no idea what's going on. Suddenly, Pluto explodes.

The End
Start over

You head for Mars. It starts getting cold, so you turn on the heat. Then you think about going to Jupiter.

Go to Jupiter
Go to Mars
Go to Earth

You blast off and head back to Earth.

Go here

You can see now that the asteroid you're riding is zooming at top speed toward... Jupiter!!!

Jump off the asteroid
Go deeper into the asteroid

You climb the ladder as fast as you can, but it's too late. You look really funny, shaped like a pancake.

The End
Start over

You climb up the ladder, out of the room. Now you find yourself standing on a high ledge.

Jump off the ledge
Climb back down the ladder

You dive in and find that the water is scorching hot! It burns holes through your skin, and you die.

The End
Start over

You say, "Glop," and they say, "Gloobel," again.

Go in the cave
Say, "Gloobel"
Say, "Hi"
Say, "Glop" again

You pick up the gun, and suddenly, you find yourself on Pluto.

Fire the gun
Explore the planet

You go through the door and find yourself in a room with five exits.

Go through exit #1
Go through exit #2
Go through exit #3
Go through exit #4
Go through exit #5

You follow the light, which leads you to another lake.

Drink the water
Swim in the lake

You start heading toward Jupiter. But then you remember that Jupiter is made of gas, so it's very dangerous. You'd better change your plans.

Go to Mars
Go to Saturn

You are landing the spaceship on Venus just as the fuel meter hits empty. You get out of the spaceship and see a lake nearby. In the other direction, you see a cave.

Go to the cave
Go to the lake

You are heading toward Saturn. Suddenly, you see that you are approaching one of Saturn's rings, which consists of many rocks of various sizes.

Turn around and go to Jupiter
Take your chances, and fly into the ring

You go through the left door. Here you find three more doors.

Go through the left door
Go through the middle door
Go through the right door

You blast off. Looking back, you can see a huge red splotch on the planet you just left. You realize that the planet is Jupiter.

Land your spaceship on the red splotch
Go to Mars
Go to Saturn

You are on the Sun. Your spaceship is here. There is a door.

Head to Mercury
Enter the door

You head for the lake. It seems pretty safe.

Take a swim
Drink some of the water

You drink the green liquid, and a fairy appears. She tells you that you can go to any planet you wish.

Stay right here
Go to the Sun
Go to Mercury
Go to Venus
Go to Earth
Go to Mars
Go to Jupiter
Go to Saturn
Go to Neptune
Go to Uranus
Go to Pluto

You wait. But nothing seems to be happening.

Get out of the space ship
Stay put for a little while
Blast off

You ask, "What's your name?" He responds, "My name is xblercloudsinficerlicationally." Then a burst of wind brings a note to you.

Read the note
Talk to the professor
Talk to the animal

You yell, and the walls stop. You safely climb out and go through a door.

Go here

They blast off in your spaceship, and you live happily ever after on Mars.

The End
Start over

You look around and figure out that this planet is Jupiter. Then you remember that Jupiter is partly gas. You notice that you are sinking.

Go back to the spaceship
Continue exploring

You say, "Hi" again. They say, "Gloobel" again.

Say "hi" again
Say "gloobel"

Your spaceship starts to sizzle and pop. You still have a chance to go to Mars or Venus before you burn up.

Go to Mars
Go to Venus
Continue going to Earth

You are heading for Jupiter. It's a long journey there, and it's quite dark. All of a sudden, you see an asteroid heading right in your path.

Keep on going
Turn back to Mars

You turn all of your engines off. You are now free falling to Earth. If you want, you can turn the engines back on and go to Mars or Venus.

Go to Mars
Go to Venus
Fall to Earth

You fall into a volcano. Suddenly, the volcano erupts, shooting you back out into space.

Go here

You look around you. You see that a pack of dogs are starting to surround you.

Fire your gun
Fight the dogs

You start climbing up the ladder. The walls start closing in.

Keep climbing

Now you see five doors.

Choose door #1
Choose door #2
Choose door #3
Choose door #4
Choose door #5

You run into the cave. The 'beings' start taking your space ship.

Go get your space ship back
Try talking to the aliens
  Run deeper into the cave

You run further into the cave. Then you hear a <Boom!> You go outside and discover that the creatures have blasted off in your spaceship. Now you must live on Mars for the rest of your life, which isn't very long.

The End
Start over

You go through the door and find yourself in a dead end. You must go back.

You go into the cave. It's dark and dangerous. You could go back and explore that lake. Suddenly, you see a light ahead.

You blast off.

You read the note, which says, "Congratulations! YOU WIN!!!"


After thinking a bit, you decide to get out. You see that the asteroid is sitting on a planet with a big red splotch nearby.

You yell at the top of your lungs. But your efforts are futile. After you die, you are squeezed flat like a pancake.

The End
Start over

You get out of the spaceship and walk out of the cave. The place is completely deserted, except for a green bush nearby. You can go investigate it or go back into your spaceship and drive it out of the cave.

Your craft continues to burn up more and more. Suddenly, you see puffy white clouds. You made it!!!

You ask, "Where am I?" He says, "Duh... I don't know."

You ask, "How do I get home?" Suddenly, you're in your own kitchen, eating a Dagwood sandwich.

The End
Start over

You yell. Then the walls start closing in.

You are landing your spaceship... down... down... down... and into a cave.

There are four caves in sight.

You drink the water and find it too hot.

She tells you that her powers are not strong enough to send you that far.

You head for Mars.

You are starting to get close to Mars. You can see some caves and something green on the ground.

You are on the Earth. The people think that you are from outer space, and they all run away.

You drink the red liquid, blow up, and die.

The End
Start over

You head for Saturn. But it's such a long way. Perhaps you want to go back to Jupiter.

You jump. All of a sudden, you find yourself someplace else. You are in a strange crazy world. An upside-down dog floats by you. Looking around, you see a weird professor. Then you see an animal that you don't know what it is! Who would you like to talk to?

You are in a large laboratory. There is a green liquid in a beaker and a red liquid in another beaker. In addition, there are three doors.

You go through the right door. You enter a room with two doors.

You wait.

Go here

You try fighting the dogs, but there are too many of them. You have to shoot your gun.

You are heading toward Saturn and rocks are flying all around you. You keep dodging them, but then you come to magnetic rocks. Since your spaceship is made of metal, all of the rocks fly directly into your spaceship, which gets bent like a pretzel.

The End
Start over

You say, "Gloobel." They start jumping up and down yelling "Glop! Glop! Glop!"

The writing on him says, "Drink the green and leave." Suddenly...

You head for Venus. It starts getting hot, so you turn on the air conditioner. Then you notice Mercury. But you can still see Earth behind you.

You go over to a bush. To your surprise, it gets up and walks to your spaceship. It is joined by a whole bunch of similar beings, and they push your spaceship out of the cave! You run to the spaceship and get inside.

You head back to Earth. Suddenly you remember that if you go too fast, the atmosphere will burn up your rocket. If you want, you can turn off some of your engines. Also, you can still go to Mars or Venus.

You ask, "Where am I?" The dog says, "You are on the planet 'quack' in another dimension."

You go in the space ship, but you can't control it before...

Go here

Suddenly, you hear a tremendous {CRASH!} You open your eyes and find yourself inside an asteroid, with your spaceship lying beside you. Remarkably, you are not wounded! It might be safe to climb out of the asteroid. Or perhaps you should just wait.

You head for the Sun. It's getting very hot. You can still go back to Mercury, or you can continue heading for the Sun.

You go through a door and enter a long twisting passageway. You quickly become completely disoriented. Finally, you reach a door at the end of the passageway.

You turn and head back for your spacehip. But it seems you are too late. You are sinking, sinking, sinking, gone.

The End
Start over

You head for Venus.

You go to the red splotch. {Whirr!} Oh no! The planet is Jupiter, and the splotch is the giant storm. You don't last long.

The End
Start over

You open your eyes and find that your spaceship is inside the asteroid. It seems safe to get out and look around. But you are moving very swiftly, so it might be wiser to just wait.

You find yourself in the largest room you have ever seen. The door you came in suddenly locks. You see a ladder leading up to what appears to be a loft.

You are now heading for Mercury. It is very close to you. Then you see the Sun is not far away.

The asteroid's gravity is very low, so you can jump off. You see that your spaceship has fallen off the asteroid and is floating nearby. Then you realize that you, your spaceship, and the asteroid are all zooming toward Jupiter.

Here, you find two doors.

You turn off some engines. But the Earth's gravity is pulling you hard. You ought to turn off all of your engines. Also, you can still go to Mars or Venus.

You start climbing back down the ladder. Suddenly, the ladder breaks. Now you are falling, falling, falling, Thump. You are on the floor in your own room at home. It was all a dream, and you just fell off your bed.

The End
Start over

You say, "gloobel," again,  and they go, "GLOP! GLOP! GLOP!" angrily. Then they kill you.

The End
Start over

You continue exploring, and you continue sinking. Then, you see your spaceship.

The spooky person whispers, "The red liquid is very tasty! Hee hee hee hee! Now begone!!!"

You are in a hallway. There are three doors at the end of the hall.

You say, "Hi." They say, "Gloobel."

Now you can see light ahead. Also, to your left, there's a door.

You go in and find yourself in a tiny room with a door directly in front of you. You go through that door.

You find yourself surrounded by strange beings. They are green, and they each have two mouths and one eye. Their body is nothing more than a head, and the head has no other features.

You decide to stay on the Earth. Thus, your space trip has come to an end.

The End
Start over

You are finally landing on Mercury. You notice that the fuel meter has somehow moved up to full.

You drink and find that the water is scorching hot! It burns holes through your stomach, and you die.

The End
Start over

You feel a force pushing you back in the laboratory Door #2 slams shut and locks.

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Last updated: 7/28/06
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