Kel's Page
This would be she.
So yeah, my name is kel. I'm a 19 year old wanna be paramedic student. I did 1.5 years in the program then flunked out. Which is where my life started to go to the shits. So now i'm just sitting in on 2 classes at Fleming College. So with all this free time, I'm just trying to get lots of work done. I live in the old residence with the greatest people. I don't know where I would be without any of them. I come from near toronto, from a family of 5. I don't have many friends in my home town but found a lot in Toronto i really never new I had. Other then that, I really don't know what else to comment on. I got a few pages here, Mostly i'm just posting my poetry. But you may find some random items placed every some odd places.
Troubled stuff - My poetry and writings. Possible Trigger.
Self Injury - Information on Self injury, in the eyes of a self injurer.
My Story - Want a good look into my mind, read this.. Possible trigger.
some Links:
Self help
Contact me at: [email protected]
yellow ribbon campaign
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