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Get to know us!

Company History

Acadia Park Equipment Co. was founded by a brother and sister who were inspired by their love of the outdoors. They decided to start Acadica Outdoor Equipment Co. in response to all of the overpriced outdoor products in the big box retail stores, and sought to create high-quality products at a price anyone can afford. The company's mission is to spread the love and appreciation of the outdoors to all of its customers and beyond.


As Acadia Park Equipment Co. moves towards its goal of making it affordable for outdoor enthusiasts to enjoy nature, we will support organizations whose main efforts involve research to continue presevation efforts towards the environment. We regularly encourage employees to engage in preservation and clean-up efforts to help the envitonment.

Our Team

image of josh

Meet Josh!

Josh is an innovative member of the Acadia Park team. He's always seeing the bigger picture and looking at the other perspective. During a team meeting, he's always offering us alternative perspectives and understandings of different scenarios. He's observant and offers the Acadia Team possibilities we would never think possible. He's hardworking and loves to hike the rough terrain.

image of Kristen

Meet Kristen!

Kristen is always a bundle of fun and energy! She's the last to bed and the first to rise on our camping trips. She's fast-paced, quick-witted, and has a vast knowledge of her outdoor surroundings. If ever you get lost in the wilderness, Kristen is the girl you want by your side! She offers our team expansive knowledge in regards to the great outdoors! Her favorite outdoor activities are swimming and surfing!

image of Evan

Meet Evan!

Evan is the glue of our team and the magnet to those outside it. Evan has a tenancy to keep the group focused on the task at hand and keep them all using their gifts to the best of their abilities. He also has a tendency to pull in new members and reach out to those that really need Acadia Park Equipment Co. in their life. When Evan isn't leading his group to victory he can be found pulling teens into mountain biking on rough trails or rock climbing the steep cliffs.

image of Leah

Meet Leah!

Leah is strong and creative! During brainstorming sessions she is the one come up with a million ideas and really get the team to start thinking about all the different options available. Leah seems to make beauty out of nothing. She's graceful in everything she does from horseback riding to her interactions with our customers. She really sees each person as an individual and has a heart that reaches them where they're at.

image of Tyler

Meet Tyler!

Tyler is the foundation of our team. He offers us stability and sees when a member is struggling and offers assistance without being asked. He will jump in wherever he is needed without a thought. Tyler is charismatic with the kindest heart! Tyler LOVES to camp even during the roughest seasons (and temperatures). Often Tyler will be found leading weekend to week-long trips into the wilderness to help others appreciate all the beauty he sees in the world around him.

image of Olivia

Meet Olivia!

The Acadia Team often refers to Olivia as the mom. She's the one that everyone comes to with all of their problems. She never fails to be there for her team and offers them wisdom, understanding, and sometimes a warm marshmallow right from the crackling fireplace. Olivia is able to balance between seeing the big picture as well as the details. She is able to combine this two elements to really unit an idea or concept that is formed. Olivia likes to go wherever the wind takes her, but often that's to sea (or ocean) where she likes kayaking, canoeing, and working on her photography!

Come Visit Us!

Mon-Fri 9am - 9pm

Sat-Sun 9am - 7pm

Contact Us!

Phone: 123.123.1234


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