Outwit, Outplay, OUTLIE??

Word: (noun) Ogakor
Meaning: Tribe Of Backstabbers

UPDATE!!: Feb 8 '01~ Mitchel (a singer/songwriter) from Ogakor admitted today that had the tribe NOT voted out Kel 3 days prior, the would have won the immunity challenge. Losing the challenge led to fingers pointing towards Mitchel, but ultimately leading to the end of Maralyn. Do I hear the words na na na na na na??

    Watch CBS's Survivor II? How about episode 2 from the Australian Outback? Do you recognize this guy?:

    Kel, from the Ogakor tribe, was always working his @$$ off. He was the only person making an attempt to fish (although unsuccessful). He always carried more than his fair share (especially walking to the camp and in the fire/immunity challenge). And the people in his camp would just scorn him. "Why is he fishing? There are no fish out there!" Well at least he was trying.

    For those of you that are Canadian like me...having Kel on Survivor II was a big deal. Did you know Kel grew up in Fredericton New Brunswick?? He was born in the US and now resides there which is why he could appear on Survivor. All of us Canadians know that he's part Canadian though. I mean, c'mon...he worked for the CBC and you don't get much more Canadian than that. However, is this calm, trusting demure that follows most Canadians-at-heart partially responsible for Kel's un-timely departure from the Outback?

    This clip was taken from the official  Survivor II website, and outlines the events leading to Kel's demise at "tribal council":

    In a tense night at Tribal Council, 32-year-old Kel Gleason, an Army Intelligence Officer from Ft. Hood, Texas, was voted out of the Ogakor tribe in a unanimous 7-1 vote. Done in by a tribe that didn't trust him, Kel acknowledged that his military background may have been an obstacle as he tried to adjust to the group dynamics of his non-military tribe mates.

    Jerri Manthey, the fiery actress from Los Angeles, got the ball rolling against Kel when on day 5 she accused him of cheating at the game of Survivor. Jerri suspected that Kel had smuggled beef jerky into the Outback and was eating it behind his fellow tribe members' backs. "Quite Frankly, I believe her," stated seven-foot-tall singer/songwriter Mitchell Olson, even after they searched Kel's bag and found no evidence supporting Jerri's indictment. But Maralyn "Mad Dog" Hershey did not agree, and felt an apology was in order. (  Whom doesn't Mad Dog trust? ) For his part, Kel vehemently denied eating anything but blades of grass that he had picked up along his hike. Trying to make peace, he confessed to having a quiet personality, which may have made it difficult for the tribe to get to know him, and offered them the use of his luxury item, a shaving kit. The skeptical tribe
accepted his offer, but it was too late: right or wrong, their fragile trust in Kel had been splintered.

    After he was voted out, Kel confessed, "I knew from day one it was going to be hard for me to fit in. I tried, I really did."

   So basically, Jerri set the stage, and the others followed. And that's okay...that's the game. BUT!! On the first day of the adventure, Kel promised both Maralyn and Tina (a personal nurse) that he was going to vote for Jerri at tribal council (who could blame him). And they said they would do the same. WRONG! It was a unanimous vote against Kel, and his sole vote for Jerri, keeping his word to the two elders of the tribe. They double-crossed him. Not that it would have made a difference, but a unanimous vote is unfair.

    Now tell me, a guy that keeps his word from day one about who he will vote for...is he really the type of guy to sneak beef jerky?

    Ogakor is going to be a lot worse off now that they do not have Kel. Just as Mike (a professional chef) said they don't have a plan for catching food. Like Maralyn said, they are a laid back group who love their leisure time. Kel was a hard worker, from the looks of it, the hardest in the group. Oh, but at least the rest will be clean shaven. Kel left his luxury item (a shaving kit) on the island so that his former tribe mates could use it.

    So Kel, enjoy a hot shower, have a slice of pizza, and take comfort in knowing that all of us Canadians were rooting for you.



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All material on this page is © CBS  Survivor. Except my opinions, which is basically all this is. I'm just saying, I don't own any of the graphics, pictures, or articles. Oh, and I have NO connection to the survivors or CBS so don't ask.
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