

People have always asked me since young, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Well initially, I did havee an idea of being a gynaecologist, bust as I grew up, I changed my mind. And this happened frequently. This here is where my confusion reaches its capacity. i am 18 years old and am still not sure of what I want to do in the future. But one things for sure, I want to be happy in life.

I do have a few ideas in mind though, as career options. For starters, I love to read and write. Thus sprouting the idea of becoming an author one day.

author   author2
I could literally take a pen and paper and could easily draft out a story on the spot. That's how much passion I have for writing. The sad thing is, I can't really consider being an author as a full-time job since the life of an author isn't exacly a very stable one. When there are ups, they're really high, but the downs can drag you to debt aswell.
   Despite all that, i would still consider this and probably do it on the sidelines, just for passion-sake. Nothing can stop me from writing and reading ever. I just love it too much.

Moving on to a more serious note, I do consider engineering and the field of computer science in my jobscope. In the case of engineering, I would probably do Chemical Engineering (tough, I know) while in the computer science field, I would most likely tackle the art of Artificial Intelligence.

chem  chemical
Chemical engineering

ai AI
Artificial Intelligence (branch of computer science)