The Kazujisha Textbook

by Arkala Hargiutamá, Shibandar Tegestakao
Page last updated August 11 2007
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Lesson 1: Personal pronouns - the copula - articles

isejala ra mániketasoina – dakstetasoina – atiklat jei; pdf

§1 Kazujisha personal pronouns have many different forms, depending on dialect and occasion. Standard language has two forms for each pronoun, long and short. The long is rarely used outside written language, except for adding emphasis.

mijala – me	I		mijalaja – mej, meja  	we
sujala – su 	you		sujalaja – suja		you
tajala – ta	he/she		tajalaja – taja		they
zhijala – zhi	she		zhijalaja – zhija	they (fem)
bajala – ba	he		bajalaja – baja		they (masc)
sejala – se	it		sejalaja – seja		they (non-ani)

§2 Kazujisha does not use the second person plural (sujalaja) when formally addressing someone, as opposed to many European languages.

§3 Verbs do not inflect in Kazujisha. This means, that there is only one form of every verb you will encounter, the present tense (equal to the English plain present and to be + participle) How to form other tenses is discussed later on.

§4 Kazujisha uses a word order similar to the English, subject-verb-object.

§5 The word for to be (am, are, is) is daks in all persons but the first person singular, which uses vaks.

mijala vaks	I am		mijalaja daks	we are
sujala daks	you are		sujalaja daks	you are
tajala daks	(s)he is	tajalaja daks	they are

§6 Vaks and daks are often shorted to va and da, especially in spoken language.

§7 All other verbs remain the same in all persons.

mijala raku	I write		mijalaja raku	we write
sujala raku	you write	sujalaja raku	you write
tajala raku	(s)he writes	tajalaja raku	they write

§8 Kazujisha does not use articles (a, an; the). How to form the definite of nouns, see §11.


Mijala vaks Kazujishamá ja unustakas Kazujisha. Me raku. Su jusupa. Tajala rãe Engleka. Tajala unustakas Englekasha – ta da Englekamá. Tahtu da kudu. Kudu da katsume. Mijalaja daks tjalme. Bajala turera, ja rãe. Su kaeste Kazujisha ja meja kaesti.

Sujala rãe ja ta nãei. Meja da tahlm. Meja da kaestemá, ja zhijala da kaestimá. Zhijala rãe. Meja jusupa ja kaeste. Kitaja da!


Engleka		English language
Engleskamá	English person
Englekasha	England; United Kingdom
ja		and
jusupa		to read
katsume		green
kaeste		to study; to learn
kaesti		to teach
Kazujisha	Kazujisha nation
Kazujisha	Kazujisha language
Kazujishamá	Kazujisha person
kitaja		good, great
kudu		a house
nãei		to see, to look
raku		to write
rãe		to speak
tahlm		here
tahtu		there
tjalme		nice, friendly
turera		to come
unustakas	to live (in)


1. Translate the following into Kazujisha. Mix long and short forms of pronouns and the copula.

I am. You come. He is English, and he speaks Kazujisha. She studies Kazujisha, and he teaches. It is green. The house is there. We are here, and we live in Kazujisha. He is good. I read, and she speaks. It sees.


Where are you from? Introducing yourself

Eshala!				Hi!
Irashá!				Welcome!
Itta sujala kirnjo daks?	What is your name?
Ittan seale sujala daks?	How old are you?
Vorde itta sujala daks?		Where are you from?
Mijala kirnjo daks ...		My name is ...
Mijala vaks vorde ...		I am from ...
Teh sujala rãe ...?		Do you speak ...?
Kudamejii itte.			Please.
Kudamejii.			Thanks.
Neshala!			Good bye!
Kitaja jaju sipetasu.		Have a nice day.

Exercise answers

1. Mijala vaks. Sujala turera. Bajala daks Engleka, ja bajala rãe Kazujisha. Zhijala kaeste Kazujisha, ja bajala kaesti. Sejala daks katsume. Kudu daks tahtu. Mijalaja daks tahlm, ja mijalaja unustakas Kazujisha. Bajala daks kitaja. Mijala jusupa, ja tajala rãe. Sejala nãei.

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