Thus a student who incurs more than the maximum number of allowed absences from subject is dropped (DR) from the class roll. Three consecutive absences without notification to the teacher is a ground for dropping from the class roll.

A student is marked LATE if he/she comes within the first 15 minutes of any class period. Three tardy marks are considered absent from the class subject. A student is absent if he/she comes fifteen minutes after the bell.

Absences due to sickness with or without notification are counted against the allowed number of absences during the term. Exception is made in cases like accident or illness that needs hospitalization for more than two (2) weeks, in which case, the student must notify his/her academic deann for coordination with the subject teacher.

A student who participates in any school-sponsored activity or represents the school in an official capacity is granted approved absence upon the recommendation of the Dean of Student Development and Welfare and approval of the Academic Dean. An approved absence is recorded but not counted against the limit of absences in th subject. The student should be responsible to make up for the works or topics missed. The teachers concerned are expected to give consideration or extra assignments upon the request of the student.

Admission to the Religion Program is the same as other programs. In line with the mission statement of BCC and the Vision of Second Plenary Council of the Philippines (PCP II), the Religion program focuses on the total human development of the students while fostering the spiritual growth of the individual. Hence:

A. All students must take all Religion subjects (at least one Religion subject for every semester).

B. A major requirementfor graduation is to complete twelve (12) units Religious Education for both Catholic and Non-Catholic students.

C. Non-Catholics are advised to treat Religious Education subjects as cultural subjects.

D. BCC does not recognize Religious Education subjects taken from Non-Catholic institutions.

E. As a general rule, Religious Education subjects shall be taken sequentially, with Religious Education I as a pre-requisite to all Religious Education subjects.

F. Second coursers:

(a) who have taken at least twelve (12) units of Religious Education are required to take Religious Education 8 and 9;
(b) who graduated from non-catholic schools must enroll the Religious Education subjects
(c) students who came from non-sectarian schools are required to take all Religious Education subjects.

G. Attendance at all religious activities is expected of every student.

I. Membership and participation in any religious organization and catechetical activities is strongly recommended in line with the mission statement.

J. Seminar-retreat is held once in the last school year of the 4th year students.

K. The Holy Mass is offered regularly and all students are encouraged to participate.

L. Students are expected to be active in their local Christian communities.

3.5 Physical Education Requirements

1. All college students are required to take eight (8) units of basic Physical Education as requirement for graduation.

2. No students shall carry a load of more than two (2) units in P.E per semester without special permission from the Department Dean and the Registrar.

3. A student who is certified by the school Physician to be physically unfit must continue with the Physical Education subject, but will be assigned a non-strenous type of activity (ies).

4. No exemption is allowed.

3.6 National Service Training Program (NSTP)

The National Service Training Program (NSTP) law or Republic Act. 9163 is a program aimed at enhancing civic consiousness and defense preparedness in the youth by developing the ethics of service and patriotism while undergoing training in any of these three (3) program components, specifically designed to enhance the youth's active contribution to the general welfare. It was implemented during school year 2002-2003.

BCC has opted to offer two NSTP components, Civic Welfare Training Services (CWTS) and Literacy Training Services (LTS).

All incoming first year students, male and female, enrolled in any baccalaureate and in at least two (2) year-technical-vocational or associate courses, are required to complete CWTS or LTS, as a graduation requirement.