Additional Educational Websites:

Main Elements of Webpage

  1. The website includes tables.
  2. The website includes at least one form.
  3. The website includes at least one form with JavaScript validation.
  4. The website includes the use of CSS stylesheets, three different ways: external, internal, and inline.
  5. The website should include at least one form of multimedia(audio or video).
  6. At least on JavaScript event.
  7. In addition, the website should contain as many of the tags and features learned in this course as possible. You need to at least use:
    1. Bold
    2. Italic
    3. Unordered lists
    4. Ordered lists
    5. Hyperlink to an external page

    6. At least one horizontal rule

    7. Different font color, font size, etc.
    8. Include an image
    9. Footer
Critical Elements Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Value
Comments: Earned Total 100%
Design The design is clean and professional looking and has a high level of creativity.

Most of the design is clean and professional looking and has a moderate level of creativeity.

The design is dequate but shows little creativity.

The design is poor and shows no creativity.

Integration and Application All relevant course and module concepts are correctly applied where required.

Most of the relavant course and module concepts are correctly applied where required.

Some of the relavant couse and module concepts are correctly applied where required.

Does not correctly apply any of the course or module concepts where required.

Writing Mechanics No errors related to organization, grammar and style, and citations.

Minor errors related to organization, grammar and style, and citations.

Some errors related to organization, grammar and style, and citations.

Major errors related to organization, grammar and style, and citations.
