Love Matters

Friends in deed

Mrinalini Nair Baskaran


As we know, bossom friend are as rare as rafflesias and long lasting as the rarest gems in the middle of the ocean. They may be hard to find but once found, they are there with us throughout our lives.

These friends are happy with our successes and encourage us when we fail to reach our goals. They remember our birthday and try to get something we have always wanted as a gift. When they see us feeling down, they immediately offer to share our problems and to comfort us. 

They are willing to accompany us whenever we are afraid or alone. They show that they will never forget us by writing to us from the other side of the world.

In short, they are kind without being fussy, our confidants without being indiscreet, attentive without being possessive, concern without being overbearing.

They can be anyone at all. They can be our parents, brothers and sisters, cousins, former or present schoolmates, pen-pals, neighbours or even boyfriends and girlfriends. They may live on another continent or have a career, but they are always available for us.

Whoever has friends like that really has A LOT.

Kavya, August 2003

Send your comments to Mrinalini Nair Baskaran at [email protected]

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