MORE interior views of Kate and Ben's house in the Gambia
Yep, the walls are still the same green, but we have bought a couch and a carpet since the last photos were taken!  Here's Kate deep in Harry Potter (even over here we can't escape him!)
Above are two of our prized possessions.  The fan keeps it bearable inside (when the electricity is on!).  And the map reminds us where we are, where we're from, and how big the rest of the world is.  All the kids in our compund are riveted by it.
At the right is another prize posession, and Kate's birthday present (Happy Birthday, Kate!)  This style of chair is quite common here - it folds up to become 2 planks.  Very comfortable and well angled.  They'll make whatever design you ask for.  Elephants are ubiquitous in the local designs, despite being nonexistent in the Gambia as far as we are aware!
Here's Ben modeling the chair.  You can also see our new wicker book shelf in the background, as well as our new wall hanging and table cloth.
Here's a bit more detail of our wall hanging.  Ben received it from Kate as a Valentine's present.  Accurately depicts bird life on the River Gambia!
Kate models our new curtains!  Found the fabric by accident, and it actually matches the walls!  Helps provide a bit of privacy, as well as keep the place cool.  One of our best buys so far!
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Here's a bit more detail of new table cloth - also a Batik fabric.  Kate received it as a birthday present, but we're putting it to good use right now.
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