lycantrophe.jpg - 57369 Bytes

"Birds are in blossom, the trees begin to sing,
And then it snows: the insanity of spring!"

                                                    - H�-� -


As you might have noticed, Unbroken isn't my only work as a fic-writer, but since it's the biggest and most ambitious one it gets a separate place... or the whole site actually, but *shrugs* since there are some other Sts fics I wrote hanging around I decided to give them some space too. Bear in mind, these have NO connection to the Unbroken universe. (For those of you who wondered, I finally I tired of Gaia's Hierarchy and took it down for good. It is from waaaaaay back and I am rather ashamed to putit here by now, since I do not think the story is well developed or the narrative any good.) In here I'll be hosting all the stray fics I have written, many of them being requests. I am developing a fondness for the lengthening Asgard-verse that's been growing in this section, and there might be a few Sanctuary fics I'd like to write but cannot fit into Unbroken itself, that could end up here as well. I'm debating whether to put up some other non-Sts writings up here too, but I'm not so sure still. Anyway, enjoy. For the record, even though it is as of now, "the nameless Asgard-verse done by toffee", all God warrior fics in this section do take place in the same continuity. I'm still thinking of turning it into a serious project or not.



Lycanthrope (or "The Man Who Became a Wolf")           (Currently stored: 2 parts/ongoing)
Centred on a different view of the events the revolved around Alioth Fenrir's life... didn't it seem odd to you that he was so cultured when he had been raised by wolves? What if not everything about him was as simple and it looked? What if Asgard itself had a family of hidden inhabitants that no one knows of, and no one will?And how does this affect Fenrir's life, if he was brought up in their world and under their ideals? (Bear in mind, the idea for this family and it's characteristics were inspired by Terry Pratchett's Discworld novel "The Fifth Elephant", though this is a serious fic...)

Chapter one

Gazer              (Currently stored: 1 part/finished)
I once said I would probably never write something like this...well, I did. Thought I admit that Siegfried and Hilda make a good couple I never quite envisioned them doing anything particularly intimate before he died. It just struck me as improbable because of their relationship in the series. But... here we are, in front of a Ziggy/Hilda lemon which (OF COURSE!) has a plot. A rather "gothic" and depressing little fic if you ask me, but dedicated with all my toffee-heart to that dear friend of mine who put me in such a strange situation when she requested it. If you are against explicit scenes (well... kinda explicit scenes) between a man and woman then DON'T read it! If not: enjoy!

Into the Dark (Currently stored: 1 part/finished)
My newest Asgard fic, Derre-chan's naughty (and loooooong delayed) brithday present. A long, long, long fic describing Bud's early years and the events that marked his life. Syd's existence... and someone else's, whom Bud must have loved well; to have wanted to commit such a crime for her, no? What crime you say...? And what happened between them? Yet another "gothic" and depressive fic, which has a plot - once again- but also depicts Bud doing some yummy things to a certain girl - again-. Read on at your own expense!

Negation            (Currently stored: 1 part/finished)
Negation is a short Hyoga/Camus fanfic with very evident yaoi content. It doesn't fall in continuity with any other stories, since it's the (yeah, took me long enough) 1000th hit request fic. I was really glad for it to have been Noraly who got this one, so this story is entirely for her who scored the magic number! ^___^ It's basically a short angsty and (mushier than expected) take on Hyoga's final days in training and Camus' reaction to what he knew was going to happen.


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