
     Justin Hayes Performs Hakutsuru


Master Soken Performs Hakutsuru

Meaning: "White Crane"

History: I would like to note here, that there are two very different kata with the name Hakutsuru. One version (the one I will talk about, and that we run), is the secret kata of the Matsumura family. There is another kata in Goju-Ryu with this name that was created by Seikichi Toguchi. This kata is very short, ran in a straight line, and a soft form. The Matsumura version that we run, is believed to have come from Fukien line of Crane Boxing. It is believed that the kata was created by Fung Chinya, the daughter of Fung We Sho. Fung We Sho trained his daughter in Shaolin Boxing. He was only able to teach her some, before he was killed. Fung Chinya vowed to revenge her fathers death. She farther refined her fathers teachings by watching cranes during feeding time, and mimicked their movements (see history section for more). It is believed that Fung Chinya may have developed this kata to reflect the movements and motions of the cranes. It is believe that Bushi Matsumura spent time studying in the Shaolin Temple in Fukien Province. Some people believe that he learned this from will living and training there. Other people believe that either Sakugawa or Chinto taught the form to him. And still others claim that Matsumura learned that kata from Waishinzan, a Jung-Gar stylist. This kata has been very heavily influenced Matsumura Orthodox Shorin-Ryu. Crane techniques can be seen in almost ever form that we run. This kata has had a very long secretive life. It was taught only to Nabe Matsumura by Bushi Matsumura, and Nabe Matsumura taught it only to Hohan Soken. At this point Hohan Soken decided to share it with only a few outside of the family. It is taught only to the true masters of our system.

What to Get Out of This Kata:  This kata teaches many of the techniques of the ancient white crane system.  Students learn how to strike with the fingers in a "pitch-fork" strike.  Students also learn to joint locks and joint manipulation techniques.  They learn how to shift the weight into the strikes and the blocks.  Students will learn to block and then strike immediately after the block. 

