Eyes To An Artist…

I’ve done both a lot and very little with my character Amaya. Mostly attempting to flesh out the character, pull together plots, and experiment with graphic storytelling, these are the drabbles I’ve come up with.

Drabbles are generally short written scenes, usually around 100 words. These would be “Graphic drabbles”. They aren’t all in continuity, they contradict each other, and the art style changes on my whimsy. Read them as separate entities and not as a whole, and hopefully you won’t be confused.

Please note, many were done before Avatar Season Two began, and obviously, later episodes may contradict them.

"At First Sight"
Aren’t they cute? Nothing really important to note, I just wanted to show Zuko and Amaya's first meeting.

"Flashback" Page One and Two and Three and Four
This was the first A:TLA comic I did, and was actually in the process of scanning it when my last scanner died. Amaya uses any excuse to draw Prince Zuko. *pouts* Shoulda gone with her, Zuko…

"Spurned Empathy"
Follow up to the above, post Agni Kai. I think the last panel of page one, and the first of page two are two of my favories out of all I've done.

"Abandoned" Pages One and Two and Pages Three and Four
So this is how Amaya ends up in the Earth Kingdom. She’s got rank, but not enough, it seems. Her brother's too sweet to be a soldier.

She’s really not that prejudice against peasant/merchant class, she’s just judgmental when it comes to quality. And people trying to pass off mediocre as quality because they think their customers don’t know any better.

"Fire Nation Brooch" Pages One and Two and Pages Three and Four
Another very old one. Why is Zuko on Appa? And where is Aang? Well, I had Aang and Iroh be kidnapped by pirates/Zula/someone. It’s a temporary team up. And Katara IS worried about Aang, she’s only going through the bag to keep herself calm and focused. And we all know Zuko's a sentimentalist at heart when it comes to his country.

"Portrait" Pages One and Two and Pages Three and Four
Aww… just a random drabble to better illustrate Zuko and Amaya's relationship. (Pun not intended.)

Follow up to the above two. Amaya is... not a morning person.

Poor Zuko. He’s so very, very confused. But Amaya’s a confusing person. She usually thinks two steps ahead and forgets that people aren’t mind readers.

"In-Laws" Pages One and Two and Pages Three and Four
Wow, that’s a long way to go for that gag. LOL! Don't worry, she didn't hit him that hard, she's all tired. It was the Death Glare.

"Garden Rendezvous"
Okay, this is a favorite of mine. It makes me want to swoon.

"Girl Talk"
Bwahahahaha! Just wanted to illustrate Amaya’s opinion of Zuko. For the record, Katara did chew out the boys for running through their bath, at which point Zuko commented about there being nothing to see, and two minutes later they were politely asked to leave the inn.

"Wedding Night"
I really just wanted to use that line. XD This is in no way how this scene would go, the idea was just so amusing to me.

"Love You..."
Why do I keep drawing Goodbye scenes between these two? I love drawing emotions, but I need to think up some scenes with happy emotions (even though they aren't as fun to draw.)

"Paths" Pages One and Two and Pages Three and Four
Obviously drawn between episodes 21 and 22 (Book 2, Chapters 1 and 2), this is how I imagined a meet up between Aang, Katara and Sokka, and Zuko and Iroh would go, post "Avatar State".

"Zuko and The Hippies"
From Book Two, Chapter Two, because I couldn’t resist. There should be lyrics, but I blanked. It’s been so long since I’ve written song lyrics.

This takes place between episodes 15 and 18 of season one. I’m toying with the idea of Amaya being a rebel, but honestly, she wouldn’t last five minutes in a resistance cell. I just needed an “excuse” for all this to be said. And Amaya looks weird with her hair down.

"Would You Change Things...?"
I’m sure Zuko’s look will change before he joins up with Aang (if he does), but I wanted to do this now. Zuko angst AND Aang angst.

Azula pays a visit to Amaya, since she was in the neighborhood. She knows Amaya’s fond of Zuko, and just wants to make sure the artist knows where her loyalties lie… if she knows what’s good for her.

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