1 sentence challenge.

by Kali Gargoyle.

I give credit and apologize to the LJ Community. I don't have a LJ, and I probably bent a few of the rules. But this was a fun way to explore my OC without writing a huge fic.

Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender

Pairing: Zuko/Amaya(OC) - (mostly)

Theme set: Alpha.

Rating: Highest: PG/PG-13

#01 – Comfort

Zuko spoke between clenched teeth, “I don’t need to be comforted...” rejecting her embrace until she replied, “I do.”

#02 – Kiss

Amaya pushed him back against the tree and pinned him there with her lips, “You’re right, we’re not children anymore.”

#03 – Soft

Even after weeks of hiking and rough living, Amaya’s hands remained as if they’d never seen harsh conditions.

#04 – Pain

Zuko winced as Amaya’s fingernails dug into his arm, her face twisted in effort, while the midwife whistled merrily on…

#05 – Potatoes

Amaya bowed her head in humiliation as her mother looked at the poor attempt, and wondered how on earth her daughter had managed to ruin a potato…

#06 – Rain

The spring rain was a relief after today and Amaya happily pulled off her boots to dance among the drops; Zuko on the other hand, stayed in the shelter of the trees and watched on.

#07 – Chocolate

The young Fire Prince casually passed the imported treat to the artisan girl; he didn’t like the way it tasted, but she always loved sweet treats.

#08 – Happiness

General Iroh watched closely as the two children played with the throwing top, taking note of Prince Zuko’s improvements, and smiling briefly whenever the boy missed one of Amaya’s trick throws.

#09 – Telephone

“Wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to talk to people across the world, instantly?” Amaya asked, but Zuko just smiled at his friend’s wild imagination.

#10 – Ears

Watching her sleep, Zuko noticed Amaya’s hair had fallen away from her ear and he noticed the lobe was connected, not rounded like his… such a stupid detail to notice, he reflected, feeling annoyed with himself.

#11 – Name

The little girl bowed deeply to greet their house guests, grinning brightly (minus one tooth), “Welcome to our humble home, my name is Amaya, and I’m honored to meet you.”

#12 – Sensual

Amaya laid her head on her arms to watch Zuko move through his forms in a seamless series of movements, catching every flex and stretch of his muscles, it seemed almost like a dance.

#13 – Death

His relief at seeing her walk towards him instantly turned to dread as she collapsed in his arms, “I told her I’d die for you…”

#14 – Sex

Zuko glanced at Amaya in her nightgown, looking so elegant, that he felt like he was disrespecting her simply by thinking such lustful thoughts, even on their wedding night.

#15 – Touch

Amaya knew every time she took his hand, any time they barely touched, was accidental or an urge to hurry her pace – but she cherished them all.

#16 – Weakness

“You are one weakness I do not wish to overcome.”

#17 – Tears

As Amaya got back to her feet, her tears of pain contrasted with the determination to not cry in front of the princess.

#18 – Speed

Zuko barely dodged as the top zoomed past his head, hit the wall, and landed at his feet, spinning contently.

#19 – Wind

Even as the wind screamed past her ears, Amaya couldn’t regret taking Zuko’s hand as they stood at the edge of the cliff, when he whispered, “Trust me.”

#20 – Freedom

Amaya just smiled when Zuko commented on how mouthy she’d become, and replied, “The tongue does tend to loosen when it’s no longer afraid of being seared.”

#21 – Life

As Zuko watched the sunset over the mountains, Amaya’s head resting on his shoulder, he thought for a second, a brief second, that a life here might not be so bad.

#22 – Jealousy

No matter how many times Prince Zuko said he didn’t like the flirtatious court girls, Amaya still felt a pull on her heart and barely restrained rage when she saw him politely smile at the giggling girls.

#23 – Hands

So strong and warm, she knew those hands would forever hold her safe and loved, even if all they did now was clench tight in fierce determination.

#24 – Taste

He hadn’t had these in years, Zuko thought to himself as he took the candy stick from Amaya, giving into the childish indulgence of the spiced sap.

#25 – Devotion

“My life is yours, for now and for ever, with every rise of the sun, until the fire in my blood goes dark.”

#26 – Forever

“Zuko, no matter what happens... between the nations... between us... I will *always* be you friend.”

#27 – Blood

They were running so fast, he didn’t notice it until it spread to stain the lining of her shirt, turning it the same color as her tunic.

#28 – Sickness

Amaya gathered her strength to reach out and grab Zuko’s sleeve, “You have to leave me here, I can’t travel like this, and Azula will destroy this whole village to get to you.”

#29 – Melody

Zuko listened at the doorway as Amaya hummed to herself, presumably while she painted, and smiled; she still couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket.

#30 – Star

When Zuko lamented over how different the Earth Kingdom was from home, Amaya just titled his head back so he could see the constellations twinkling above, and said, “Some things remain the same no matter where you travel.”

#31 – Home

“Don’t you miss home?” Zuko asked as they sat among the trees, and listened to Amaya laugh as she replied, “Don’t you know, home is where the heart it.”

#32 – Confusion

Zuko tried to tune out his Uncle and wished to be anywhere else, trying hard but failing to understand how flowers and birds and stars were supposed to prepare him for being married.

#33 – Fear

When the poster was put up, Amaya felt her stomach turn cold, not only in fear for those in the poster, but a small amount for herself as well.

#34 - Lightning/Thunder

Amaya stood in cold fear as the energy sparked from Azula’s fingertips, promising to be as merciless as its wielder.

#35 – Bonds

Matao hugged his sister tightly before he had to follow his commanding officer back onto the ship, “We’ll see each other again, after all, we’re family.”

#36 – Market

When Zuko noticed how much money they had left over it was obvious, shopping with Amaya, despite her tendency to ogle pretty bobbles, was much better than shopping with Uncle.

#37 – Technology

Amaya watched from the high window at the weapons being carted away, torn between curiosity and admiration for the advancements, and fear and disgust at their purpose.

#38 – Gift

“Here,” Amaya said, pressing the scroll into Zuko’s hand, “This may just make your homesickness worse, but I want you to have this.”

#39 – Smile

It was such a rare and fleeting moment nowadays, so it made Amaya’s heart soar to see his mouth turn up, even in the slightest.

#40 – Innocence

As he turned the battered toy in his hand, Zuko was brought back to days when he could take the time to have fun, even when he was doing what he was forced to.

#41 – Completion

The young prince smiled brightly as he pressed down on the last fold, and was filled with pride as the perfect paper crane sat before him.

#42 – Clouds

Zuko hated the creature; it was loud, smelly, and mean, but the look on Amaya’s face at seeing the clouds from the other side, close enough to touch, made him feel a little warmer towards the bison.

#43 – Sky

It was the same color; it turned the same colors at the beginning and end of the day, but Zuko couldn’t think of it as the same sky that stretched over his homeland.

#44 – Heaven

Amaya glanced over the top of her tablet at Zuko, leaning casually against the wall, trying his best to stay in what he thought was a casual yet dignified pose, and wished that this moment could last forever.

#45 – Hell

“It doesn’t matter what you say, Zuko, I’m not going back there with that man on the throne... I just can’t live like that.”

#46 – Sun

The stance was basic, he’d done it a thousand times before, under the noonday sun; but today, Zuko could feel his energy coursing more intensely, as if the sun was focusing on just him...

#47 – Moon

The Water Tribe boy would sit and stare at the moon for hours, and Zuko never understood until his sister told him the story... and the unintentional bond was made.

#48 – Waves

Amaya tried very hard not to laugh as Zuko was knock aside by the attack; he really should have known better than to pick a fight with waterbenders near a lake.

#49 – Hair

Zuko tried to ignore her, but even though Amaya was being as polite and tactful as always, he knew her eyes were draw to it, judging, and when he couldn’t stand it anymore, he turned on her, “Stop staring at my hair!”

#50 – Supernova

The bison waited, prepared to travel, perhaps never to return, but as soon as Zuko forced himself to let go of Amaya’s hand, he was pulled back and nearly overwhelmed as her lips were pressed to his...

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