Hopefully I will have stuff like full reviews here one day.

Here are some of my favorite films.

Top 10:
Jerry Maguire directed by Cameron Crowe
Anywhere But Here directed by Wayne Wang
My Sassy Girl directed by Jae Young Kwak
Artifical Intelligence directed by Steven Spielberg and Stanley Kubrick
Forrest Gump directed by Robert Zemekis
Spiderman 2 directed by Sam Raimi
The Godfather, Part 2 directed by Francis Ford Coppola
Raiders of the Lost Ark directed by Steven Spielberg and George Lucas
Annie Hall directed by Woody Allen
Can't Hardly Wait directed by Deborah Kaplan and Harry Elfont

Other Top Films:
Million Dollar Baby directed by Clint Eastwood
The Way We Were directed by Sydney Pollack
Leon, the Professional directed by Luc Besson
A World Without Thieves directed by Feng Xiaogong
Kill Bill vol. 1 and 2 by Quentin Tarantino
Primary directed by Robert Drew
Braveheart directed by Mel Gibson
Millennium Actress directed by Satoshi Kon
The Last Samurai directed by Edward Zwick
Eat, Drink, Man, Woman directed by Ang Lee
Last of the Mohicans directed by Michael Mann
Indochine directed by Regis Wargnier
Pather Panchali directed by Satyajit Ray
Sink or Swim directed by Sue Friederich
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade directed by Steven Spielberg and George Lucas
Bram Stoker's Dracula directed by Francis Ford Coppola
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon directed by Ang Lee
Under the Tuscan Sun directed by Audrey Wells
Gone With the Wind directed by Victor Fleming

Guilty Pleasures:
Bad Boyz II
Perfect Blue
The Time Machine (Simon Wells)
Resident Evil
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Beauty and the Beast
Fellowship of the Ring
Heaven and Earth
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Lost in Translation
The Incredibles
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
Sleepy Hollow
Galaxy Quest
The Emperor's New Groove
Funny Face
Legends of the Fall
Before Sunset
City Lights
Conan the Barbarian
Matrix Reloaded
Citizen Kane
Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones
Galaxy Expresss 999
The Heroic Trio
Imitation of Life
Vanilla Sky
My Fair Lady
The Idiots (Lars Von Trier)
Il Mare
Before Sunrise


My Lineup for this Season:
The Sopranos
The O. C.
Monday Night Raw
That 70's Show
The Simpsons

Rest in Peace Television:
Once and Again
Sex and the City
My So Called Life
Sports Night
Spin City
Everybody Loves Raymond
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Mad About You
Sunset Beach

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