Rumah Kasih Sayang

Daily Routine in Rumah Kasih Sayang

All students in Rumah Kasih sayang will wake up and do their personal hygiene everyday at 4.30 a.m. They will get themselves ready to perform morning prayer. They usually will perform the prayers together with all the resident there.

After finishing the morning prayers, as usual they will read the Quran, dhikir and having breakfast. Their routine are as usual as other children. They also went to daily educational school and attend classes. They going to school by van provided by the Rumah Kaish Sayang. In Rumah Kasih Sayang, they always practice the sleeping before noon called qailullah.

Besides that, sharp on 12.30 p.m, they will prepare themselves to perform dhuha prayer, lunch and zuhur prayer. The kids lunch together at the dining room provided together. They are being taught to always do things together in order to create a cooperation environment to the kids in Rumah Kasih Sayang.

After that, they will rest for a while to continue with the next session which is class skills session at 2.30 p.m until 4 p.m. . During this time, they will do their homework and study. Then, they will continue with other activities which is tea time and perform the asr prayer at 4.30 p.m. After the asr prayer they recite Quran. Lastly, they will riadhah and and working hygiene.

At 6.30 p.m., they will eat dinner and prepare themselves for maghrib prayers. But after that, they will reading the quran and learn tajwid before isha prayers. At 8.15 until 9 p.m., the students will perform Isha' prayer. At 9 p.m afetrwards, they will refresher lessons adm tazkirah session. Lastly, sharp at 10.30 p.m. they will sleep because tehy have to wake up early in the morning.

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