Well, It's finally finished! BCW 2118/2119 is officially available!

SCREW IT! I'm hereby posting 2119 vol1 and vol 2 on this site for everyone to enjoy. The cards won't be cardstocked, but they will be set up to be printed on a desktop printer with ease, four cards to a sheet. Look under the homepage for how to download the jpgs. If you have any problems, email me. For anyone who has ordered a set recently, and hasn't recieved one, please email me. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy these two sets.

Just thought I'd drop in a line and tell everyone what's been going on with the BCW and the BCW website. I'm going to put up my results page soon, as well as a rankings set up by those of you who have bought the set. Also, I plan on posting a few free bootlegs that can be used along with the BCW set. One such wrestler is an intergalactic gunslinger named "Cactus" Agave Hatiora, his story is a strange one indeed! I'm still working on the Cycle Hog talk show, I can't get the art quite right, so bear with me, when it's done, you'll be the first to know. I've also got a tag team to go to the "freebies" section soon, Kane and Kole, but as of yet, I don't have an official tag team name yet.

The reviews are coming in, just thought I'd post what some people are saying about the BCW set.

Got your set in the mail today and it looks great. The artwork is unbeliable.


Got your set yesterday and I love it. It's very well done. The artwork is very cool throughout. Hope there's a next set so we can find out who Monolith is, who the Master is, and why Sexton has it in for Colt.


"I got my set in the mail today, and the cards look great, good job! Waiting for 2120!!!"


All Drawings and gaming system C & Tm Filsinger Games or Nathan Kasmann (Kaz-matic Kreations)