Absolutely nothing is known about the Master, other than Ashe, Minion and Funboy are totally subservent to him. More details should be forthcoming as 2119 rolls on. Here is an excerpt from his debut.

At a recent BCW houseshow, the Necronomicon came within a blink on an eye of becoming the BCW tag team champions. Shawn Harrigan and Sexton Savage were totally on the defensive with Minion dominating both men. The Necronomicon's fortune changed after a miscomunication between Minion and Ashe allowed Harrigan to roll up Minion for the 3 count. After the match, the lights went out. Ominous organ grinder like music began to fill the arena. A purple haze rolled out from behind the "Gorilla Position" curtain as it parted. A lone robed figure began to slowly walk to the ring. Minion and Ashe looked both shocked and afraid as they cowered behind the ring. The figure entered the ring, and called for both members of Necronomicon to enter. The two men slowly climbed into the ring and knelt before the stranger. The stranger removed the robe to reveal a tattooed bulking freak. He lifted the mic to his mouth and spoke:

"Who is your Master?"

"You are my lord." both men replied.

"Who trained you to wrestle?"

"You did my lord." both stated.

"Did I train you poorly?"

Again, both men spoke: "No, my lord."

With that said, the apparent "Master" grabbed Ashe by the hair, wrenching his head to the side, and kicked the kneeling Minion square in the face. Minion slumped to the mat. Then the Master hit Ashe with what has become to be known as the DAY OF RECONNING, an inverted neckbreaker. Ashe bounced so hard he flew out of the ring. The Master picked up the mic once again and spoke:

PATHETIC. Both of you.

With that, the Master dropped the mic and rolled over the top rope before walking to the back.

All Drawings and gaming system C & tm Filsinger Games or Kaz-matic Kreations