BCW 2119 Online booklet



As we all know, Cannibal, former GWF wrestling star, was imprisoned sometime in late 2106. He was paroled in early 2108 and given two years probation and community service by the High Courts of Callisto.

Cannibal, now a free man, left Callisto on a public transport bound for Neptune. After 18 years in the GWF and three in Callisto Prison, he was finally going home. Back to his family. He and his wife had separated some years ago. His constant travels had taken their toll on his relationship. His twin sons, whom he hadn't seen in several years would be 16 by now. The thought of what he would return to saddened him. How would he be able to start over and rebuild that life he once had? These thoughts haunted him.

Halfway through the flight, everything changed. He was bothered by the way his life had turned out. He had walked away from wrestling, the only life he had known. On top of that, he had to deal with the parole and community service he had received. On top of that, he was BROKE! With a 48 hour flight ahead of him, he had a lot of time to think things through.

He had almost fallen asleep when a vision swept over him. He was young. Back in a GWF ring. Participating in wrestling matches that resembled more a warzone than a wrestling contest. There were no countouts, no disqualifications that had cost him so many victories over the years. And there was blood... so much GLORIOUS BLOOD!

Cannibal suddenly sat up. His head was spinning from the amazing images he had just witnessed and something clicked in his mind. Two and two finally made...uh, FIVE! It all made complete sense. Cannibal finally had a purpose in the galaxy. He put all thoughts of doubt out of his mind and he smiled. Soon after, the Bloodbath began...

The moment Cannibal set foot on Neptune, he began making calls. His "wresting reform school" was a one of a kind idea. A place where those whom were on the outs of society could learn a trade and make honest money. The Parole Board grudgingly agreed to allow Cannibal to serve his community service this way and Cannibal began setting up camp. What they didn't know was what Cannibal was actually planning for this "school". He was creating his own training ground for his own wrestling promotion. This school was opened under the name SLAUGHTERHOUSE. The Slaughterhouse was nothing more than Cannibal's basement, but it would serve it's purpose.

Unfortunately, Cannibal didn't have the funds needed to open a full fledged wrestling organization. Cannibal contacted many investors and he was turned down by them all, except one. Galactic Properties, Inc. fronted almost all the cash Cannibal would need. Little did Cannibal know that this would be the best, and worst, decision of his life... After all, how could he know that Magnus Colby himself had a controlling interest in G.P.I.?


The war between Cannibal and Magnus Colby over ownership of the BCW didn't start until 2110, with the UFSP chasing the BCW all over the galaxy. The events were never advertised, only by word of mouth did the galaxy ever know when and were a BCW show was. The BCW was developing a modest following, with underground tapes being passed around the wrestling world, starved for action after the ban and the subsequent leaving of the GWF to Dimension Y. It was hard work, but Cannibal, residing as Commissioner of the BCW, was making his dream come true.

It all came crashing down when the UFSP captured Cannibal and several other BCW wrestlers. The apparent death of Magnus Colby in a BCW ring (it was actually a clone grown and altered by Doomsayer) brought the UFSP down on the promotion like never before. At clones' funeral, the UFSP raided the building. A BCW wrestler, Seth Dillinger, was accidentally killed by a member of the UFSP team. This tragic event discredited the UFSP and helped overturn the ban on wrestling in the galaxy.

It also bankrupted the BCW. Cannibal managed to hang on into 2112, but the return of the GWF to Dimension K was too much for Cannibals' already strained promotion. Wrestlers and officials didn't get paid. Attendance fell greatly. It warmed Cannibal's heart to see several of his wrestlers, people he called friends, stay with him until the bitter end, working shows for only a percentage of the gates. On December 3, 2112, the Bloodbath held it's last show. Magnus Colby stepped in and bought out what remained of the BCW. The video library, the rings, all the real property. But not the wrestlers. What few wrestlers Cannibal had working for him, were working under a verbal contract. Colby was FURIOUS!

Flash forward to 2118.

Economic depression grips the galaxy. The GWF and CPC are cutting back on costs and talent. Cannibal has saved and invested his money well, and through his brokerage company, had done well in the Galactic Stock Market. Cannibal sold his stocks at just the right time, before the market crashed, and walked away with three times as much as he'd put in. Some have suggested that Cannibal knew in advance that the markets were going to bottom out, and there are rumors of an upcoming investigation. Cannibal refuses to comment about it.

Cannibal approached Magnus about the copyrights of the BCW in late 2117. The BCW meant nothing to Magnus, but he knew he could dangle it in front of Cannibal and perhaps make twice what he paid for it, and make twice he did and took almost every penny Cannibal had saved. Again he was broke, but at last, Cannibal was sole owner of the promotion born of his own mind. The rings were a mess. The equipment was outdated, but it was all his. He would make the most of this second chance. One by one, Cannibal began calling his old friends. The Bloodbath was being reborn.

Cannibal began setting up deals. Like before, the wrestlers were under a verbal contract to the BCW and would be paid a percentage of the gates. They would be free to wrestle for other promotions, with a clause that Cannibal would manage his talent in any promotion they appeared in. Like any other manager, Cannibal would receive a cut of the wrestler's pay and contribute it to the rebuilding of the BCW.


All Drawings and gaming system C & tm Filsinger Games or Kaz-matic Kreations