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            Family ? Who are they ? They are my diamond. They are my strongness. How precious they are in my heart. Thanks God you've given me the best family ever. I love them so much.  Well, I will introduce part of my family. My father’s name is Suprianto and my mother’ name is Sudarmi.  I have 1 sister and 1 younger brother. My sister’s name is Rizka Rani and my younger brother’s  is Rezky Ramadhan.  I’m the 2nd child of my parents.  

         My father and my mother are javanese people. My father was born in Pagaralam and my mother was born in Solo. Since, they was child .. they have moved to Palembang. They stay in Palembang till right now. So, that's why my sister, me, and my younger brother was born in Palembang.

             They are my great motivator, especially my parents. They give me much great support and power to face my life. They always teach me how to be good person.

            Love ya .. Love ya ..