April 23, 2005

Well, hello there everybody! To those of you new to the area, welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay. If at any time the scenery bores/irritates you, just email me back and I'll promptly remove you at no extra charge. (might go down kickin' and screamin', but don't feel responsible...it's okay, really).

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Wow! Busy month. I was fortunate enough to catch a ride down to Texas (thanks Brian and Deana!!!) so I ended up on Padre Island (not the MTV Padre...the national shoreline...$10/week...huge beaches...no stores...nothing but the water and sand...oh, and my first jellyfish encounter...(it didn't sting me, but I did try to save its life...didn't work out so well...more on that later). Then last week I found myself in the beautiful state of West Virginia. Absolutely gorgeous. I did get the distinct feeling I was in the movie Pleasantville, but I kind of liked it.

Also this month, my amazing sister was kind enough to give Frances and I free tickets to see the Indigo Girls. As we walked in for the show, a stranger saw us holding hands and offered us free upgrades to the pit...and I quote "you two seem happy and are holding hands, want these free upgrades?" (I almost danced a little dance right there). So we gave our tickets away to a very nice gentlemen and went up to the front for one of the most inspiring shows I've seen in SOOO long!! It really demonstrated to me how musicians CAN base a career out of uplifting, positive, honest and truthful music...still be involved in the GLBT community and give and recieve respect and humility at the same time. It was so powerful for me, I cried and cried. I was SO thankful for that 2 hours. They were absolutely amazing and so humble. I honestly hope and pray for the chance to inspire someone the way I was inspired that night. Thanks so much Alicea for giving us the tickets...it couldn't have been more appreciated.

This month I also found out I won Westword's Best Female Singer/Songwriter award!!! My friend Gann won Best Male. From a
personal standpoint...I was very thankful. There are SO many brilliant musicians in this world/state/town. Everywhere I go I am so impressed with just how many people are sharing their gifts with others. I do appreciate the award, but also recognize just how talented the women of this state are. Thanks Westword for thinking of me. : )

From a business standpoint...holy crap! Good press!!! Good press is hard to get. I've gotten so many emails and shows from it. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Couldn't have come at a better time. This means lots of changes for me. The website, booking tours, looking for a new manager (my lovely Frances is too busy (thank you sweetie for doing so much to help me - I love you), new photos (cut my hair off), lots of work. I've been really busy and promise the new website is underway with music, CD's and all that other jazz. Whew! I hide from the computer for weeks, and when I finally sit down, I tell you all my business. That's cool. I like it that way. Anyway, I'll close now, but I hope you all are doing well, making yourselves very happy and feeling lots of love. I hope to see you at some shows, have some tea (someday, it'll be beer...the budget however, does not allow...so the roobios is on me) and listen to some cool music. I really hope you get a chance to check out Gregory (see below)... he truly is a gift.

Thanks to everyone for supporting me and treating me so well. A quick special thanks to Chris K. for kicking my ass when I need it. I need it alot... and he has strong boots. Love to you all, really.


Judith Avers Upcoming Shows

Thursday April 28
6:00 - ??
Avogadro's Number
Fort Collins, CO
Breast Cancer Benefit - lots of music and extra's

Friday April 29
Penny Lane
Pearl Street, Boulder, CO
With the REMARKABLY beautiful, soulful Gregory Alan Isakov...an absolute DO NOT MISS show. I first heard Gregory a few weeks ago when we played the Mercury Cafe together and for once I wasn't the only one whose little 'ole eyes sprung a leak... absolutely beautiful and graceful and gentle. Listening to Gregory is like taking a bath... a very very good bath. I am opening for him this night, then I'll be busy listening and remembering why I write music. For the chance that I just might have this kind of an effect on someone. Let's go get clean together!

Sunday May 1
I will be attending the Soul Force demonstration in Colorado Springs.
No guitar playin'... this is a liberal, loving demo for equality.

Friday, May 6
May Western Beat / Americana Night
6:00 - 8:30
Bender's Tavern
314 E. 13th Ave, (13th and Grant) Denver, CO

  • Judith Avers and Gann Matthews (Westword's male and female singer-songwriters of the year)
  • John Common (leader of Filmstrip Series and Rainville and a Colorado treasure as a singer-songwriter)
  • Brenda Taylor (a straight-shootin' Country singin' gal with style, spunk and substance)
  • Third Road Home (terrific folk-rock duo singing and playing their terrific songs)
  • Ed Skibbe, Cara Cantarella and Gregg Shively In The Round (Wait 'til you hear Cara and Gregg sing and play - damn!)

Stick around at Bender's after Western Beat for Reverend Deadeye, The Railbenders and Scott H. Biram Combined ticket available!

Thursday May 12
7 - 9pm
Sugar Shack
910 9th Avenue Greeley, CO
This one is just me with a few musical guest surprises!

Friday May 13
Songwriter in the Round
8 - 10:30pm
Penny Lane
Pearl Street, Boulder, CO
Myself, Gregory Alan Isakov and more - madly looking forward to it!

Friday May 20
Where's Richard Show
8 - 10:30pm
Penny Lane
Pearl Street, Boulder, CO
Me, three other ladies lots of loveliness

Saturday May 21
Rock n Soul Cafe
Boulder, Co
$5 Cover
Myself, Jennifer Friedman and more

Friday May 27
Everyday Joe's
Ft. Collins, CO
$5-7 Cover
Opening for Vicky Emerson

Saturday June 18
Ft. Collins Second Annual Pride Fest!!!
More details to come...

Wednesday June 22
8:30 - 10:30pm
Penny Lane
Boulder, CO

(Sorry I didn't have time to add addresses... but you can look on Mapquest.com or Google Maps... it's really easy to get directions from your house... I'll do better next time) J.

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